mustafar / parrot

mockable, containerized api from your swagger spec.
MIT License
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api container docker fake integration-testing mock test testing


Mockable, containerized API generated from a Swagger spec. Docker Repo:

Getting started quickly

If you don't need to publish out a mock docker image of your service and just want to generate a quick container that mocks a swagger file you have, you can issue this command

docker run -p 3000:3000 -v $(pwd):/myswagger -it --rm -e PORT=3000 -e SWAGGER_SPEC="/myswagger/swagger.yml" mustafar/parrot:latest

This assumes that swagger.yml exists in your current directory.

Build and run a docker image for a specific swagger file

If you're a service author and want to publish out a mocked and versioned copy of your service for consumers to use in their tests, you can build a docker image off of the parrot docker image.

Setup Dockerfile

FROM mustafar/parrot:latest

# set the port for the mock api

# copy a swagger spec to /swagger.yml (inside container)
# and also set the path of swagger.yml in the container
COPY /path/to/a/swagger/or/openapi3/spec /spec.yml
ENV API_SPEC="/spec.yml

Build container image

Run the following command (in the same dir as the Dockerfile) to build your image

docker build -t my_api .

You may now publish this image to a docker repository.

Run container

Run this command to start your container

docker run -p 3000:3000 my_api:latest

The -p directive sets up port forwarding from your container to host.


Once your API is up and running, you may call various API endpoints and receive either default or mocked responses.

Default response example

Consider the following swagger route

    x-swagger-router-controller: batman-location-controller
        description: failed to find batman
        example: alfred's outhouse # example is at an unexpected level
          type: string
          example: batcave # example at correct level
          description: batman found

Parrot will return the first response with an example property nested under a schema property. It will response with the value of the example property (in this case batcave (200)).

Mocked response example

Call PUT /mock to mock another route

// mock
const mock = {
  method: 'GET',
  path: '/batman/location',
  qs: 'hello=world&foo=bar', // optional query string
  status: 201,
  response: 'arkham',
await fetch(
    method: 'PUT',
    body: JSON.stringify(mock),
    headers: { 'content-type': 'application/json' }

// invoke (should return "arkham (201)")
await fetch(`${apiBase}/batman/location?hello=world&foo=bar`, { method: 'GET' });

DELETE /mock will reset all mocked behavor.

To enable verbose logging, set VERBOSE environment variable when running the container


Check out the tests for more examples!


Spin up the test container with this command

npm run build && npm run test:setup

Run tests with

npm test

Please feel free to send me a PR or open an Issue.

OpenApi 3 Support

To use an OpenApi 3 spec, please set any value for environment variable IS_OAS3.


docker run -d --name parrot-container-openapi3 \
-e PORT=15010 \
-e VERBOSE=on \
-p 15010:15010 \
-e API_SPEC="/spec.yml" \
-e IS_OAS3="true" \
-v openapi3_spec.yaml:/spec.yml \