mustass / diffusion_models_for_speech

Deep Learning course project repository.
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Diffusion models for speech synthesis

Experiments Notebook



DiffWave approach [].


English speech: [] Danish speech: []

Repo structure

This repo takes advantage of two frameworks: (1) Hydra for configs management and (2) Pytorch Lightning for improving our lives when colaborating and running experiments on different hardware.

The particular approach of this repo is heavily inspired by [].

Getting started

  1. Create a virtual environment the way you are used to (conda, venv, pyenv, whatever).


It's very important that you load a new-ish python version before running the getting started script. Do this by:

module load python3/3.9.11
  1. Set environment variables (!!):

    export DATA_PATH_PREFIX=# path to your data
    export WANDB_KEY=#your wandb api key
    export PATH_TO_VENV=#path to your venv
  2. Run the bash script from the root folder:


This will:

  1. Create a virtual environment with the name venv in the parent folder. If you want the name or location to be different, it's up to you. Just remember that the path to the environment is used in the script. So adjust accordingly.
  2. Install the package in editable mode with all requirements
  3. Download the dataset and extract it

You can further install the requirements for developing the package:

pip install -r requirements-dev.txt

Contribution guide

This repo has protection on the main branch. Therefore any contribution has to go through a Pull Request.

Make sure to run make in the root directory and push changes before creating a Pull Request. This will require you to have the packages in requriements-dev.txt installed.

Running things and stuffs

Preprocessing of the LJ dataset

To run conditional training or/and evaluation we need to create spectrograms.

python3 scripts/