mv1249 / WhatsAppChatAnalyzer-V1.1

Analyze your Whats App Group or Personal Chat using the WhatsAppChat Analyzer
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WhatsAppChatAnalyzer Version 1.1

One can view the working of the Chat Analyzer in the Issue Version or by simply clicking the "Play" button,and one can access the web app by clicking on the "Chrome Web Icon"

WhatsApp Chat Data Source

One can watch this issue inorder to extract the text file of the WhatsApp Chat which one has to analyze and then the user is requested to watch the first issue which shows about the functioning of the WhatsApp Chat Analyzer.

WhatsAppChatAnalyzer Version 1.0

This web-app is built using the Flask Framework and is only adaptive to a particular group,but in Version 2,i have made it accessible to any What's App Group or Personal WhatsApp Chat,in short version 2 is generalised,version 1 is a basic outcase,to access the code/preview the app one can click on the relevant icons as displayed.