Version: 1.1
Date: 12/04/2018
Author: mvac7/303bcn
Architecture: MSX
Format: C Object (SDCC .rel)
Programming language: C
History of versions:
This project is an opensource library (object type).
Startup file (CRT) for developing MSX 32K ROM applications using Small Device C Compiler (SDCC).
This CRT includes the header of the MSX ROM, initializes the stack, configures the second page of the ROM, and executes the main function. The ROM is allocated in the second bank (4000h).
It includes winOS and Linux scripts for compiling a 32K projects.
This script compile and generate the binary with the appropriate size.
This startup uses the rutine find_rom_page_2 created by Eduardo Robsy
Example for compile and create a 32K ROM binary:
sdcc -mz80 --code-loc 0x4050 --data-loc 0xC000 --use-stdout --no-std-crt0 crt0_MSX32kROM4000.rel CFILENAME.c
hex2bin -e ROM -s 4000 -l 8000 CFILENAME.ihx
<--- generate a binary file and fill to 32768 Bytes size (8000h)
In the test\ folder you will find an example (HelloWorld).
Thanks for Info & help, to:
In this project, you have the MAKEFILE for Windows and Linux OS.
To adapt the script to your project, you must follow the following steps:
fields.To work, need this directory structure:
The script will create the \build and \bin directories, when they do not exist.