This library enables the convenient use of SAT solvers and QBF solvers for the analysis of py-aiger circuits. This README assumes basic familiarity with py-aiger, please check out the documentation.
One can install via pip:
$ pip install py-aiger-analysis[SAT,BDD]
or without BDD support:
$ pip install py-aiger-analysis[SAT]
or without BDD or SAT support:
$ pip install py-aiger-analysis
Clone respository and execute:
$ python develop
This package currently assumes CADET, ABC, and aigtoaig installed in the PATH.
We plan to release a version on PIP, including all required tools.
The library is currently intended to use with py-aiger expressions.
import aiger_analysis as aa
import aiger
x, y = aiger.atom('x'), aiger.atom('y')
expr = x & y
# Call a SAT solver to check if there is a satisfying assignment.
`assert aa.is_satisfiable(expr)`
# Check if all assignments are satisfying, using a satsolver.
`assert not aa.is_valid(expr)`
# Check if two expressions are equal, using a satsolver.
`assert aa.is_equal(expr, aa.simplify(expr))`
# One can convert a boolean expression to a bdd via:
f, manager, relabels = aa.to_bdd(expr)
# or given an aiger circuit, one can convert to a bdd by specifying the output.
# If the aiger circuit only has one output, the output does not need to be
# specificed.
f, manager, relabels = aa.to_bdd(, output=expr.output)
# f is now a bdd expression and manager is the bdd manager.
# Because aiger supports a larger set of names than the dd package,
# the inputs of the expression are relabeled to names given by the
# bidict relabels.
# One can convert back to an aiger boolean expression via:
expr2 = aa.from_bdd(f)
# We currently also implement counting the number of satisifying solutions using BDDs.
# This is done by first converting an expression to a bdd and the using the bdd's count
# primative.
c = aa.count(expr, percent=True)
Call the QBF solver CADET to check if this QBF is true. The second argument
indicates the quantifier prefix: 'a' stands for universal quantifiers, 'e' for
existential quantifiers. Each quantifier indicates a list of bound variables.
All variables of the expression must be bound by some quantifier.
assert not aa.is_true_QBF(expr, [('a', ['x']), ('e', ['y'])])
Call CADET to eliminate a given list of variables from the expression. The
resulting expression is a formula over the remaining variables that is true
if, and only if, there is a satisfying assignment to the indicated variables.
also_x = aa.eliminate(expr, ['y'])
assert aa.is_equal(x, also_x)
Currently there is limited support for general py-aiger circuits. The library does not accept circuits with latches and circuits with more than a single output. To use the library with expressions from aiger-bv, please extract such an aiger circuit.