mverboom / zabbix-pve-api

Zabbix template for Proxmox
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Zabbix PVE API

This template set uses the Proxmox Virtual Environment API to monitor sytems.

It is in beta state and might work or it might not. Still working on documentation and testing.

This template set was developed on Zabbix 6.4 in combination with Proxmox 8. It might work on older combinations, but this was not tested.

There are two templates included in this repository:

The template set consists of 4 templates, of which only 1 should be manually assigned:

The Template pve api datacenter is used for adding a Proxmox single or cluster installation to Zabbix.

For more information about the architecture of the templates, see

For some notes on the templates, see


This is an excerpt of the features of the template set:


There are two steps in configuring the usage of this template set:

  1. Creating an API token in Proxmox
  2. Configuring the template
  3. Optional configuration

A word of warning. There are quite a lot of items that will be monitored when this template is applied to one or more Proxmox clusters or stand alone systems. There might be items that are less applicable in certain situations. It can save load on the Zabbix server to look through the templates and disable specific monitoring of items if they are not required.

Creating API token

Access to the information in Proxmox is done through the API and needs authentication. For this an API token is used.

Withing Proxmox an API token is configured on the datacenter level and is valid for all nodes in a cluster. So for a set of machines that form a cluster, only 1 API token is needed.

To generate an API token a valid user needs to be present. Depending on security requirements different options can be used to setup the API token. The documentation within Proxmox can help here.

The setup can be found on the Proxmox server in the following place

This part of the interface will allow you to create a token. The two parts that need to be saved are:

To assign least privileges to the token read the

Configuring the template

To enable the template on a Proxmox server, go to the host within Zabbix:

Make sure the host has an interface. This can be a zabbix agent, and does not have to communicate with a zabbix-agent on the Proxmox system. It can be the zabbix server, so for example a zabbix-agent at

Now assign the template

Set mandatory macro's

Optional configuration

Optionally there are some other macro's that have a default setting in the Template but can be overridden.


Default value: 604800 seconds (1 week)

Any snapshots detected for a Qemu virtual machine or LXC container older than this value will generate an alert. The value of this macro needs to be set in seconds.


Default value: ^test$

Any snapshot matching this regular expression will be excluded from triggers alerting on the age of the snapshot as defined by the {$PVESNAPSHOTAGE} macro.

By using regular expressions it is possible to specify multiple snapshot names that will be excluded. For example the value ^(test|upgrade) will match all snapshot names starting with


Default value: ^test$

Any Qemu virtual machines or LXC containers assigned to a pool where the name of the pool matches the regex of this macro will be excluded from generating problems. The value will match the name of the pool. So the default value of ^test$ will match exactly:

The value of the macro is used in a regular expression. Therefore it is possible to specify multiple pool names that will be excluded. For example the value (test|project) will match all pool names containing 'test' and 'project':

And a value of ^(development|test|acceptance)$ will match all pool pool names that have a name of exactly:

The value ^(((?!^production$).)*)$ is a negative lookahead regex which will match all pools, except for pool 'production'

Testing regexes can be done here: