mvinceable / twitter-android

simple twitter app for android
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Twitter Android Application Redux

This is an enhanced version of the Android Twitter Client made previously. In addition to the Home timeline view, a Mentions view has been added that shows the Mentions for the logged in user. A sliding tab view pager is used to switch between the logged in user's Home and Mentions timelines. A user profile view has been added that contains 1) the profile header and 2) the profile timeline. The header contains tweet, following, and follower counts. Tapping on the follower or following counts will show the list of followers or following lists for the user, respectively. The profile header also includes a view pager to switch between the user's photo and account description. Similar to today's Twitter client, a gradient is applied over the profile banner and an alpha transition takes place when paging. Tapping on a user's profile image from any tweet loads the profile view for that user. If the profile is already in view, then the screen shakes to remind the user. Finally, searching for tweets is supported directly from the ActionBar. The UI has been styled to have a similar look and feel to today's Twitter client.

Time spent: 36 hours spent in total

Completed required user stories:

Completed optional user stories:

Optional Stories not completed:

Walkthrough of all user stories:

Video Walkthrough

GIF created with LiceCap.

In addition to those listed for the Simple Twitter Client, the following libraries and resources are used to make this possible:

Simple Twitter Client

This is a simple Twitter client that supports viewing a user's timeline, composing a tweet, and replying to tweets.

Time spent: 12 hours spent in total

Completed required user stories:

Completed optional user stories:

Walkthrough of all user stories:

Video Walkthrough

GIF created with LiceCap.

The following libraries are used to make this possible: