mvk-team42 / Veracitor

An application that studies the trust in a network of users, sources and articles
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An application that studies the trust in a network of users, sources and articles.

Source & documentation


Veracitor source is split into several packages inside the main package. The following package-structure is kept:



The entire project is documented on a per-package level.


Step one

Clone the project.

git clone

Step two

Install python, setuptools and dependencies.

To get the app running, install a relatively new version of python2 with setuptools. If you use a *NIX based OS, we recommend pythonbrew and python 2.7.3.

Afterwards, either use a virtualenv (ex. pythonbrew venv create team42) or just use pip to install the requirements:

pip install -r requirements.txt

Step three

Install and setup mongodb.

Step four

Change settings in and according to your environment. Add the environment variable VERACITOR_SETTINGS to your env. Make sure it contains the absolute path to the settings file.

Example: Ubuntu Linux - append this to ~/.bashrc :

export VERACITOR_SETTINGS="/path/to/Veracitor/"

Don't forget to also activate your settings ex. :

source ~/.bashrc

Step five

Start mongod externally.

If you installed the python dependencies in a virtualenv, make sure you are in your virtualenv now.


Use celery -A veracitor.tasks.tasks.taskmgr worker -l INFO -B to start the celery daemon from the Veracitor folder.

The celery worker daemon processes tasks sent out from the web part of the application.

By default the celeryd saves the results in a mongodb called celery_db, in a collection called veracitor_taskmeta_collection. This collection may need to be cleared after a while, see Issue #23 (unless the celery beat is functioning).

Flask dev webserver

Use python to start the dev webserver from the Veracitor folder.


This prototype has been developed at a dev-server. For convenience, SSH has been used to tunnel the web traffic like this:

ssh -L [local_port]:localhost:[web_server_port]

Which makes the website visible by surfing to http://localhost:local_port/ .