mvolar / SatXplor

A satDNA exploration pipeline
MIT License
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A satDNA analysis pipeline.

Table of Contents


SatXplor is configured to run on any Linux system. However there are a couple of dependencies that need to be installed before successful running of the pipeline.

  1. Linux distribution - supporting glibc>=2.32 (ubuntu 22+)
  2. NCBI Blast
  3. MAFFT multiple alignment
  4. R and some R package dependacies:
    1. cmake
    2. libxml2-dev


Since SatXplor is a compilation of over 10 individual scripts, and a Rust binary, the most elegant way of distributing and running EuSatXplor is by directly clonning the repository and installing the dependancies.

  1. Clone the repository:

    git clone
  2. Navigate to the project directory:

    cd SatXplor
  3. Create and activate a virtual environment (optional but HIGHLY recommended):

    python -m venv venv
    source venv/bin/activate  
  4. Install python dependencies:

    pip install -r requirements.txt
  5. Install R dependencies:

    Since R package manager in linux requires compilation of many packages, the installation time for all can take up to 20 minutes. Thus it is best to create a conda/mamba virtual environment and use the precompiled R packages for your Linux distirbution:

    mamba create -n myenv r-base=4.3.3 -c conda-forge -y 
    mamba activate myenv
    mamba install -c conda-forge r-biocmanager r-ggplot2 r-data.table r-dplyr r-umap r-stringr r-factominer r-ape r-optparse r-htmlwidgets r-igraph r-networkd3 r-circlize r-pheatmap r-scales bioconda::bioconductor-biostrings bioconda::bioconductor-complexheatmap  -y 
  6. (Optional) Install both MAFFT and NCBI-BLAST through mamba:

    mamba activate myenv
    mamba install -c conda-forge -c bioconda mafft blast
  7. If your running older versions of Linux systems You need to manually compile the new Rust binary on your older system by downloading Rust:

curl --proto '=https' --tlsv1.2 -sSf | sh

Restart your shell then navigate to the satxplor/satxplor/executables/ folder then:

cargo build --release
cp /target/release/kmer_edge_finder ./

and application should run normally.


Alternative to the normal installation SatXplor also comes with a docker container:

  1. Pull the containter
    docker pull mvolaric/satxplor
  2. Run the interactive shell and mount your data directory to /mnt/data
    docker run -it -v path/to/your/data_folder:/mnt/data satxplor
  3. In the interactive shell setup your desired run_config.json by using the provided helper script
python satxplor/ --input_genome_path genome.fasta \
--sat_raw satellites.fasta \
--final_results_dir output_folder
  1. Run the from the interactive shell. After the run the results should be visible in /path/to/your/data_folder/output_folder directory.
python satxplor/
  1. You can also run the tests after pulling the container, and then copy the data of the output to your directory:
    docker run -it -v path/to/your/data_folder:/mnt/data satxplor

python satxplor/

after the run has been completed to visually inspect it

cp ./testing_data /mnt/data/

## Usage

Running SatXplor is simple, you just edit the `run_config.json` file:

    "INPUT_GENOME_PATH": "path/to/your/genome",
    "GENOME_PATH": "./input.fasta", #this is the location of the temporary copy
    "SAT_RAW": "path/to/your/sats",
    "SAT_FASTA_PATH": "./sats.fasta", #this is the location of the temporary copy
    "FINAL_RESULTS_DIR": "/path/to/final/results/dir",
    "OVERWRITE": true

And just run the main file which then runs and outputs the results in the FINAL_RESULTS_DIR and SatXplor/results. Note that both python env and mamba envirnoments need to be active

(mypyenv) (myenv) python satxplor/


To check if everything is installed correctly run the following scripts. The script searches for external dependencies (MAFFT, BLAST) as well as tests for all R import libraries.

python tests/

SatXplor also ships whith a small testing sample to see if everything runs normally:

python satxplor/

which runs on the testing_data/testing_data.tar.gz files and produces the normal output of running SatXplor.


If you use SatXplor please cite the following paper:

SatXplor – A comprehensive pipeline for satellite DNA analyses in complex genome assemblies
Marin Volarić, Nevenka Meštrović, Evelin Despot-Slade
bioRxiv 2024.08.09.607335; doi: