mvrl / bird-audio-detection

An entry for the Bird Audio Detection Challenge.
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Entry for Bird Audio Detection Challenge

For more information about the challenge, see the project website or the paper that summarizes the challenge.

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Other Entries

Getting Started

This should be enough to get you training and evaluating code running:

Clone the repository:

  1. git clone
  2. Create a branch for your work: git checkout -b feature/{SHORT NAME OF FEATURE}

Install tensorflow:

  1. Install Miniconda.
  2. Create a virtual environment called tensorflow: conda create -n tensorflow python=2.7 ipython.
  3. Logout and log back in
  4. Start the virtual environment: source activate tensorflow
  5. Install Tensorflow using the Anaconda provided instructions. Short version: find the correct setting for TF_BINARY_URL from the tensorflow website, then run pip install --ignore-installed --upgrade $TF_BINARY_URL.

Prepare the datasets:

  1. You have to have scikit-learn library installed. If not, install by typing conda install scikit-learn and follow instructions
  2. cd ./src/dataset
  3. python : note this might take a while
  4. python : splits dataset into 10 folds
  5. Datasets will be downloaded to ../../data/ while the folds will be written to the current dataset directory

Run the training script:

  1. cd ./src/
  2. python this will put checkpoints in the checkpoint directory
  3. python this uses the checkpoints to generate an output script

Training multiple models:

  1. cd ./src/driver
  2. ./ : this uses GNU parallel to train multiple models. it is currently configured to work on a machine with two GPUs

Use features extracted from soundNet to train traditional ML approaches:

In this approach for Bird Audio Detection, we push the audio files through soundNet and extract the features at different layers. Then train different basic ML approaches using scikit-learn package. The code to train linear_SVM in ./src/scikit


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