mvuorre / quarto-preprint

A Quarto extension for preprints using Typst
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preprints quarto quarto-extension quarto-template quartopub typst

Preprint Quarto extension

quarto-preprint is a Quarto extension that provides two custom Quarto formats. The main format provided by this extension is preprint-typst. It renders a Quarto source document to a PDF document using Typst.

The extension also provides a preprint-docx format, which renders Quarto source documents to MS Word documents with some basic layout improvements.

View the example output and manual: PDF (Typst), MS Word, & HTML.


This extension aims to

In other words, quarto-preprint should provide a reliable and fuss-free Quarto format (preprint-typst) for writing reproducible manuscripts.



Add template to an existing project:

quarto add template mvuorre/quarto-preprint

Start a new Quarto project that uses quarto-preprint:

quarto use template mvuorre/quarto-preprint


Write Quarto markdown and add format: apaish-typst to the document's YAML metadata. Then, render your document, for example from the command line with

quarto render <filename>.qmd

Configuration & options (YAML metadata)

(See the manual for more information.)

Below is an example document's YAML front matter, with comments providing additional explanation and links:

# Title (required)
title: Long Title
# Running head (repeated in page header)
running-head: Short title 
# Author(s) (required) (
  - name: Matti Vuorre
    orcid: 0000-0001-5052-066X
      - ref: 1
# Affiliation(s) (
  - id: 1
    name: Tilburg University
    department: Department of Social Psychology
# Abstract (
abstract: This is an example.
# Keywords (
  - Quarto 
  - Typst
# Date
date: "`r Sys.Date()`"  # Can use e.g. R to include current date
# Citation information (
  type: article-journal
  container-title: "PsyArXiv"
  doi: "an.example.doi"
# Specify an OSF preprint provider to add its logo to the document
branding: psyarxiv
# This can include whatever you want
authornote: This is an example author note.
# Path to a bibliography file
bibliography: bibliography-manual.bib
# Title of reference section
bibliography-title: "References"
# Bibliography style (
bibliography-style: "apa"
# Specify a color for links (including in-text references)
linkcolor: blue
# Table of contents options
toc: true
toc_depth: 2
toc_title: "Contents"
# Section numbering (remove line or leave blank to omit)
section-numbering: ""
# Spacing between lines (
leading: 0.6em
# The indent the first line of a paragraph should have. (
first-line-indent: 0cm
# Space between paragraphs
spacing: 1em
# (
margin: (x: 3.2cm, y: 3cm)
paper: "a4"
# Number of columns for body text
cols: 1
# Space between columns (
col-gutter: 4.2%
# Typst language settings
lang: "en"
region: "US"
# Font settings
mainfont: Comic Sans
fontsize: 11pt

See also Quarto's Typst format documentation, and Quarto's guide on writing scholarly documents.



It can be useful to also output a MS Word document for collaboration. To do so, you can include docx as an output format as shown here. quarto-preprint also provides a slightly improved bare-bones MS Word output format preprint-docx.

Typst also provides an online interface. That could be especially useful for collaborating on documents. You can create a .typ file by including

    keep-typ: true

in the document's YAML. Then, copypaste the resulting .typ file and other required materials (bibliography file, image files, etc) to the Typst online interface. See an example here.


If something isn't working, please submit an issue, optimally with a reproducible example / full details of what you're trying to do, how, and what goes wrong. You can also email Matti.


Yes please.