mwaeckerlin / ssh

Docker Image for SSH Server to provide remote access to volumes, i.e.using rsync
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Docker Image for SSH Server

Used e.g. to provide remote access to volumes, i.e.using rsync.


Can get Users from LDAP, e.g.:

docker run -d --name ssh -p 222:22 \
    -e LDAPURI="ldap://" \
    -e LDAPBINDDN="cn=ssh-bind,ou=system,ou=people" \
    -e LDAPBINDPW="H2Djds4ZAhsa" \
    -e LDAPBASEUSERDN="ou=person,ou=people" \
    -e LDAPBASEGROUPDN="ou=group" \
    -e LDAPSSL="start_tls" \

or to connect to LDAP via link:

docker run -d --name ssh -p 222:22 \
    --link openldap:ldap \
    -e LDAPBINDDN="cn=ssh-bind,ou=system,ou=people" \
    -e LDAPBINDPW="H2Djds4ZAhsa" \
    -e LDAPBASEUSERDN="ou=person,ou=people" \
    -e LDAPBASEGROUPDN="ou=group" \

Authentication Using SSH-Keys

Instead or in addition of LDAP authentication, you can also provide ssh public keys in variable SSHKEY (keys are separated by newline). You can then use the given keys to login to root.

X-11 Redirection on Localhost

Sometimes you might want to test an X11 GUI program in a container on your computer. Thry this:

docker run -ti --rm \
  --name ssh-container \
  -e "SSHKEY=$(<~/.ssh/" \

In a second terminal on the same host:

ssh -Y root@$(docker inspect --format '{{ .NetworkSettings.IPAddress }}' ssh-container)

Then in the container, you can run whatever GUI program you want, e.g. write:

apt-get update
apt-get install xterm

Or test even a windows programm, such as qt linguist in the container:

dpkg --add-architecture i386
echo ttf-mscorefonts-installer msttcorefonts/accepted-mscorefonts-eula select true \
     | debconf-set-selections
apt update
apt install -y wine
wine linguist.exe

Starting windows programs with wine in a container on linux, chances to catch a virus are nearly zero.