ReDU is a community-minded approach to find and reuse public data containing tandem MS data at the repository scale. ReDU is a launchpad for co- or re-analysis of public data via the Global Natural Product Social Molecular Networking Platform (GNPS). Our aim is to empower researchers to put their data in the context of public data as well as explore questions using public data at the repository scale.
This is a community effort and everyone is encouraged to participate by submitting their own data and sample information instructions. The sharing of new applications (and code) which use ReDU is highly encouraged.
To get ReDU up and running on your local system, it should be as easy as
We have unit tests to test the validators. There are several naming conventions:
- These are valid files implying passing validation and finding the same number of files in MassIVEinvalid_*
- These are invalid files that fail validationinvaliddata_*
- These are valid files that pass validation but fail to match with data in MassIVETo run all unit tests, we are using act to run github actions locally:
make test-push
to simulate a push to the repository and run the full suite of unit tests exactly as we'd run at github.
To simulate selenium and production integration tests:
make test-schedule
)One of the key steps in ReDU is the updating of the database to include the latest identifications for files within ReDU. These are the following steps: