mweimerskirch / plantuml-installer

A Bash script to install the latest version of PlantUML on Debian or Ubuntu systems
MIT License
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PlantUML Installation Script

This project provides a Bash script to install PlantUML on Debian or Ubuntu systems. The script checks for necessary dependencies, installs them if needed, and ensures that the latest version of PlantUML is installed.



  1. Clone the repository or download the script.
  2. Make the script executable:
    chmod +x
  3. Run the script:

What the Script Does

  1. Checks the Linux distribution: Ensures the script is running on Debian or Ubuntu.
  2. Checks if PlantUML is installed: If installed, prompts the user to uninstall it.
  3. Checks if JRE is installed: If not, prompts the user to install it.
  4. Checks if Graphviz is installed: If not, prompts the user to install it.
  5. Checks the current version of PlantUML: If installed, retrieves the version number.
  6. Fetches the latest version of PlantUML: From the GitHub API.
  7. Compares versions: Downloads and installs the latest version if it is newer.
  8. Creates a script to run PlantUML: Places it in /usr/bin/plantuml.


Uninstalling PlantUML

To uninstall PlantUML after using this script, run the following command:

sudo rm /usr/bin/plantuml
sudo rm -rf /opt/plantuml/

Once you have removed the files, you can also uninstall the dependencies IF you no longer need them:

sudo apt remove --purge graphviz default-jre


This project is licensed under the MIT License. See the LICENSE file for details.