mwilliamson /

Run commands and manipulate files locally or over SSH using the same interface
BSD 2-Clause "Simplified" License
267 stars 37 forks source link Run commands and manipulate files locally or over SSH using the same interface

To run echo locally:

.. code-block:: python

import spur

shell = spur.LocalShell()
result =["echo", "-n", "hello"])
print(result.output) # prints hello

Executing the same command over SSH uses the same interface -- the only difference is how the shell is created:

.. code-block:: python

import spur

shell = spur.SshShell(hostname="localhost", username="bob", password="password1")
with shell:
    result =["echo", "-n", "hello"])
print(result.output) # prints hello


$ pip install spur

Shell constructors


Takes no arguments:

.. code-block:: python



Requires a hostname. Also requires some combination of a username, password and private key, as necessary to authenticate:

.. code-block:: python

# Use a password
# Use a private key
# Use a port other than 22

Optional arguments:

.. |paramiko.Channel| replace:: paramiko.Channel .. _paramiko.Channel:

.. |paramiko.proxy.ProxyCommand| replace:: paramiko.proxy.ProxyCommand .. _paramiko.proxy.ProxyCommand:

Shell interface

run(command, cwd, update_env, store_pid, allow_error, stdout, stderr, encoding)

Run a command and wait for it to complete. The command is expected to be
a list of strings. Returns an instance of ``ExecutionResult``.

.. code-block:: python

    result =["echo", "-n", "hello"])
    print(result.output) # prints hello

Note that arguments are passed without any shell expansion. For
instance, ``["echo", "$PATH"])`` will print the literal string
``$PATH`` rather than the value of the environment variable ``$PATH``.

Raises ``spur.NoSuchCommandError`` if trying to execute a non-existent

Raises ``spur.CouldNotChangeDirectoryError`` if changing the current directory
to ``cwd`` failed.

Optional arguments:

* ``cwd`` -- change the current directory to this value before
  executing the command.
* ``update_env`` -- a ``dict`` containing environment variables to be
  set before running the command. If there's an existing environment
  variable with the same name, it will be overwritten. Otherwise, it is
* ``store_pid`` -- if set to ``True`` when calling ``spawn``, store the
  process id of the spawned process as the attribute ``pid`` on the
  returned process object. Has no effect when calling ``run``.
* ``allow_error`` -- ``False`` by default. If ``False``, an exception
  is raised if the return code of the command is anything but 0. If
  ``True``, a result is returned irrespective of return code.
* ``stdout`` -- if not ``None``, anything the command prints to
  standard output during its execution will also be written to
  ``stdout`` using ``stdout.write``.
* ``stderr`` -- if not ``None``, anything the command prints to
  standard error during its execution will also be written to
  ``stderr`` using ``stderr.write``.
* ``encoding`` -- if set, this is used to decode any output.
  By default, any output is treated as raw bytes.
  If set, the raw bytes are decoded before writing to
  the passed ``stdout`` and ``stderr`` arguments (if set)
  and before setting the output attributes on the result.

``*args, **kwargs)`` should behave similarly to
``shell.spawn(*args, **kwargs).wait_for_result()``

spawn(command, cwd, update\_env, store\_pid, allow\_error, stdout, stderr, encoding)

Behaves the same as run except that spawn immediately returns an object representing the running process.

Raises spur.NoSuchCommandError if trying to execute a non-existent command.

Raises spur.CouldNotChangeDirectoryError if changing the current directory to cwd failed.

open(path, mode="r")

Open the file at ``path``. Returns a file-like object.

By default, files are opened in text mode.
Appending `"b"` to the mode will open the file in binary mode.

For instance, to copy a binary file over SSH,
assuming you already have an instance of ``SshShell``:

.. code-block:: python

    with"/path/to/remote", "rb") as remote_file:
        with open("/path/to/local", "wb") as local_file:
            shutil.copyfileobj(remote_file, local_file)


Closes and the shell and releases any associated resources. close() is called automatically when the shell is used as a context manager.

Process interface

Returned by calls to shell.spawn. Has the following attributes:

Has the following methods:



``ExecutionResult`` has the following properties:

* ``return_code`` -- the return code of the command
* ``output`` -- a string containing the result of capturing stdout
* ``stderr_output`` -- a string containing the result of capturing

It also has the following methods:

* ``to_error()`` -- return the corresponding RunProcessError. This is
  useful if you want to conditionally raise RunProcessError, for

.. code-block:: python

    result =["some-command"], allow_error=True)
    if result.return_code > 4:
        raise result.to_error()


A subclass of RuntimeError with the same properties as ExecutionResult:


``NoSuchCommandError`` has the following properties:

* ``command`` -- the command that could not be found


CouldNotChangeDirectoryError has the following properties:

API stability

Using the the terminology from Semantic Versioning <>_, if the version of spur is X.Y.Z, then X is the major version, Y is the minor version, and Z is the patch version.

While the major version is 0, incrementing the patch version indicates a backwards compatible change. For instance, if you're using 0.3.1, then it should be safe to upgrade to 0.3.2.

Incrementing the minor version indicates a change in the API. This means that any code using previous minor versions of spur may need updating before it can use the current minor version.

Undocumented features

Some features are undocumented, and should be considered experimental.
Use them at your own risk. They may not behave correctly, and their
behaviour and interface may change at any time.


I get the error "Connection refused" when trying to connect to a virtual machine using a forwarded port on ``localhost``

Try using "" instead of "localhost" as the hostname.

I get the error "Connection refused" when trying to execute commands over SSH

Try connecting to the machine using SSH on the command line with the
same settings. For instance, if you're using the code:

.. code-block:: python

    shell = spur.SshShell(
    with shell:
        result =["echo", "hello"])

Try running:

.. code-block:: sh

    ssh bob@remote -p 2222 -i /home/bob/.ssh/id_rsa

If the ``ssh`` command succeeds, make sure that the arguments to
``ssh.SshShell`` and the ``ssh`` command are the same. If any of the
arguments to ``ssh.SshShell`` are dynamically generated, try hard-coding
them to make sure they're set to the values you expect.

I can't spawn or run commands over SSH

If you're having trouble spawning or running commands over SSH, try passing shell_type=spur.ssh.ShellTypes.minimal as an argument to spur.SshShell. For instance:

.. code-block:: python

import spur
import spur.ssh


This makes minimal assumptions about the features that the host shell supports, and is especially well-suited to minimal shells found on embedded systems. If the host shell is more fully-featured but only works with spur.ssh.ShellTypes.minimal, feel free to submit an issue.

Why don't shell features such as variables and redirection work?

Commands are run directly rather than through a shell.
If you want to use any shell features such as variables and redirection,
then you'll need to run those commands within an appropriate shell.
For instance:

.. code-block:: python["sh", "-c", "echo $PATH"])["sh", "-c", "ls | grep bananas"])