IMPORTANT UPDATE/BUGFIX: Trailing semi-color ; now removed from response due to typo in VTL template! Thanks to Parth Srivastava @parthsr!
In this lab I will guide you through the process of creating an API with AWS API Gateway and Lambda to consume an XML body and response with an XML body, without the need the use JSON in your request or response.
Note: internally JSON is still used to wrap the payload and request going to and coming from Lambda. But the API Gateway endpoint consumes pure XML.
Most of the Lambda functions you may have written and connected to an API in API Gateway probably only consume JSON payloads. After all, the content-type application/json
is the default when you write your API Gateway Mapping Template and VTL (Apache Velocity Template Language).
However, this does not mean you can't write a Lambda function that consumes other content-types such as binary data or (SOAP) XML. In this lab we'll show you how to implement a Lambda function and API Gateway to consume and return a dummy SOAP XML.
This set up involves customizing the configuration of the following 3 phases of the request in API Gateway:
Integration Request
and text/xml
with VTL: {"body" : $input.json('$')}
Integration Response
from Mapping TemplatesPassthrough
as new Mapping Template with VTL: #set($inputRoot = $input.path('$.body')); $inputRoot
Method Response
for Content-Type application/json
for HTTP Status 200Empty
for Content-Type application/soap+xml
And, applying the following changes to your Lambda function:
exports.handler = (event, context, callback)
Add the following code block before returning the reponse:
var resp = {
statusCode: 200,
headers: {
'Content-Type': 'text/xml'
body: xmlString
callback(null, resp)
Please, navigate to the Lambda page of the AWS console in the region of your choice (for instance us-west-2
Then, click Create.
Then, provide a name for your Lambda function, such as testxmllambda
Then, make sure Node.js is selected as Runtime (any version will do).
Then, click Create Function.
Then, select Upload a .zip file from the Code entry type drop down list.
Make sure Node.js is selected as Runtime.
Then, click Upload and upload the following ZIP file: ./Source/Lambda/
Note: The only reason we have to upload our sample code instead of using the inline editor in this lab is because we are referencing an external module xml2js
to proof we can actually parse the SOAP XML inside the Lambda function as an XML document.
The ./Source/Lambda/ file contains the following index.js
which serves as the handler of the Lambda function:
// Let's use the xml2js package to parse our incoming XML to proof we have a proper XML document to work with in Lamda
var xml2js = require('xml2js');
// Added 2020-04-10: added a library to turn JSON into an XML string again after we added an attribute (just to prove we are working with XML)
var jsonxml = require('jsontoxml');
// Some default settings needed by xml2js. We can leave the as they are.
var options = { // options passed to xml2js parser
explicitCharkey: false, // undocumented
trim: false, // trim the leading/trailing whitespace from text nodes
normalize: false, // trim interior whitespace inside text nodes
explicitRoot: false, // return the root node in the resulting object?
emptyTag: null, // the default value for empty nodes
explicitArray: true, // always put child nodes in an array
ignoreAttrs: false, // ignore attributes, only create text nodes
mergeAttrs: false, // merge attributes and child elements
validator: null // a callable validator
// Let's change the default handler interface to the following "old" style notation so we have more control with the callback function
exports.handler = (event, context, callback) => {
// Let's create an instance of our xml2js parser
var parser = new xml2js.Parser(options);
// Retrieve the XML from the JSON body that API Gateway is sending because of this Method Execution VTL: { "body" : $input.json('$') }
// Note: So, yes, internally API gateway still uses JSON to wrap around our XML to send it to Lambda. But, the JSON is never visibile to the sender of the API request or the consumer of the response.
var xml = event.body;
// Let's turn the XML into a Javascript object
parser.parseString(xml, function (err, result) {
// If something went wrong, the callback first argument contains the error object that will be sent to API gateway
if (err!=null) {
callback(err, null);
} else {
// For this example, we are expecting an XML request payload in the form of:
// <?xml version="1.0"?>
// <catalog>
// <book id="bk101">
// <author>Gambardella, Matthew</author>
// <title>XML Developer's Guide</title>
// <genre>Computer</genre>
// <price>44.95</price>
// <publish_date>2000-10-01</publish_date>
// <description>An in-depth look at creating applications
// with XML.</description>
// </book>
// <book id="bk102">
// <author>Ralls, Kim</author>
// <title>Midnight Rain</title>
// <genre>Fantasy</genre>
// <price>5.95</price>
// <publish_date>2000-12-16</publish_date>
// <description>A former architect battles corporate zombies,
// an evil sorceress, and her own childhood to become queen
// of the world.</description>
// </book>
// <book id="bk103">
// <author>Corets, Eva</author>
// <title>Maeve Ascendant</title>
// <genre>Fantasy</genre>
// <price>5.95</price>
// <publish_date>2000-11-17</publish_date>
// <description>After the collapse of a nanotechnology
// society in England, the young survivors lay the
// foundation for a new society.</description>
// </book>
// <book id="bk104">
// <author>Corets, Eva</author>
// <title>Oberon's Legacy</title>
// <genre>Fantasy</genre>
// <price>5.95</price>
// <publish_date>2001-03-10</publish_date>
// <description>In post-apocalypse England, the mysterious
// agent known only as Oberon helps to create a new life
// for the inhabitants of London. Sequel to Maeve
// Ascendant.</description>
// </book>
// <book id="bk105">
// <author>Corets, Eva</author>
// <title>The Sundered Grail</title>
// <genre>Fantasy</genre>
// <price>5.95</price>
// <publish_date>2001-09-10</publish_date>
// <description>The two daughters of Maeve, half-sisters,
// battle one another for control of England. Sequel to
// Oberon's Legacy.</description>
// </book>
// <book id="bk106">
// <author>Randall, Cynthia</author>
// <title>Lover Birds</title>
// <genre>Romance</genre>
// <price>4.95</price>
// <publish_date>2000-09-02</publish_date>
// <description>When Carla meets Paul at an ornithology
// conference, tempers fly as feathers get ruffled.</description>
// </book>
// <book id="bk107">
// <author>Thurman, Paula</author>
// <title>Splish Splash</title>
// <genre>Romance</genre>
// <price>4.95</price>
// <publish_date>2000-11-02</publish_date>
// <description>A deep sea diver finds true love twenty
// thousand leagues beneath the sea.</description>
// </book>
// <book id="bk108">
// <author>Knorr, Stefan</author>
// <title>Creepy Crawlies</title>
// <genre>Horror</genre>
// <price>4.95</price>
// <publish_date>2000-12-06</publish_date>
// <description>An anthology of horror stories about roaches,
// centipedes, scorpions and other insects.</description>
// </book>
// <book id="bk109">
// <author>Kress, Peter</author>
// <title>Paradox Lost</title>
// <genre>Science Fiction</genre>
// <price>6.95</price>
// <publish_date>2000-11-02</publish_date>
// <description>After an inadvertant trip through a Heisenberg
// Uncertainty Device, James Salway discovers the problems
// of being quantum.</description>
// </book>
// <book id="bk110">
// <author>O'Brien, Tim</author>
// <title>Microsoft .NET: The Programming Bible</title>
// <genre>Computer</genre>
// <price>36.95</price>
// <publish_date>2000-12-09</publish_date>
// <description>Microsoft's .NET initiative is explored in
// detail in this deep programmer's reference.</description>
// </book>
// <book id="bk111">
// <author>O'Brien, Tim</author>
// <title>MSXML3: A Comprehensive Guide</title>
// <genre>Computer</genre>
// <price>36.95</price>
// <publish_date>2000-12-01</publish_date>
// <description>The Microsoft MSXML3 parser is covered in
// detail, with attention to XML DOM interfaces, XSLT processing,
// SAX and more.</description>
// </book>
// <book id="bk112">
// <author>Galos, Mike</author>
// <title>Visual Studio 7: A Comprehensive Guide</title>
// <genre>Computer</genre>
// <price>49.95</price>
// <publish_date>2001-04-16</publish_date>
// <description>Microsoft Visual Studio 7 is explored in depth,
// looking at how Visual Basic, Visual C++, C#, and ASP+ are
// integrated into a comprehensive development
// environment.</description>
// </book>
// </catalog>
// Now, send a dummy XML string back, but add an XML attribute of the incoming request so we proof that the incoming request was actually parsed as an XML document
// Modified 2020-04-10: added jsonxml() method to actually convert the JSON object back to an XML string![0]["newAttribute"] = "test";
// Take the first book and return that to show we added a new attribute, and to show that we can return an XML string as an XML content-type
var xmlString = jsonxml([0], {
xmlHeader: true
// Now prepare the response object
var resp = {
// Return this as a successful "200" response
statusCode: 200,
headers: {
// Note: This Content-Type corresponds to the Content-Type added as Mapping Template in the Integration Response of the API in API Gateway
'Content-Type': 'text/xml'
// Note: This body attribute is what the text/xml Mapping Template of the Integration Response refers to when it executes the following VTL:
// #set($inputRoot = $input.path('$.body'))
// $inputRoot
body: xmlString
// Now, call the callback with the response above
callback(null, resp)
Then, click Save
Now, click the Test button.
Then, provide an Event name for your test event, such as Test
Copy & paste the following test request body into the inline text editor:
{ "body": "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?><catalog><book id=\"bk101\"><author>Gambardella, Matthew</author><title>XML Developer's Guide</title><genre>Computer</genre><price>44.95</price><publish_date>2000-10-01</publish_date><description>An in-depth look at creating applications with XML.</description></book><book id=\"bk102\"><author>Ralls, Kim</author><title>Midnight Rain</title><genre>Fantasy</genre><price>5.95</price><publish_date>2000-12-16</publish_date><description>A former architect battles corporate zombies, an evil sorceress, and her own childhood to become queen of the world.</description></book><book id=\"bk103\"><author>Corets, Eva</author><title>Maeve Ascendant</title><genre>Fantasy</genre><price>5.95</price><publish_date>2000-11-17</publish_date><description>After the collapse of a nanotechnology society in England, the young survivors lay the foundation for a new society.</description></book><book id=\"bk104\"><author>Corets, Eva</author><title>Oberon's Legacy</title><genre>Fantasy</genre><price>5.95</price><publish_date>2001-03-10</publish_date><description>In post-apocalypse England, the mysterious agent known only as Oberon helps to create a new life for the inhabitants of London. Sequel to Maeve Ascendant.</description></book><book id=\"bk105\"><author>Corets, Eva</author><title>The Sundered Grail</title><genre>Fantasy</genre><price>5.95</price><publish_date>2001-09-10</publish_date><description>The two daughters of Maeve, half-sisters, battle one another for control of England. Sequel to Oberon's Legacy.</description></book><book id=\"bk106\"><author>Randall, Cynthia</author><title>Lover Birds</title><genre>Romance</genre><price>4.95</price><publish_date>2000-09-02</publish_date><description>When Carla meets Paul at an ornithology conference, tempers fly as feathers get ruffled.</description></book><book id=\"bk107\"><author>Thurman, Paula</author><title>Splish Splash</title><genre>Romance</genre><price>4.95</price><publish_date>2000-11-02</publish_date><description>A deep sea diver finds true love twenty thousand leagues beneath the sea.</description></book><book id=\"bk108\"><author>Knorr, Stefan</author><title>Creepy Crawlies</title><genre>Horror</genre><price>4.95</price><publish_date>2000-12-06</publish_date><description>An anthology of horror stories about roaches, centipedes, scorpions and other insects.</description></book><book id=\"bk109\"><author>Kress, Peter</author><title>Paradox Lost</title><genre>Science Fiction</genre><price>6.95</price><publish_date>2000-11-02</publish_date><description>After an inadvertant trip through a Heisenberg Uncertainty Device, James Salway discovers the problems of being quantum.</description></book><book id=\"bk110\"><author>O'Brien, Tim</author><title>Microsoft .NET: The Programming Bible</title><genre>Computer</genre><price>36.95</price><publish_date>2000-12-09</publish_date><description>Microsoft's .NET initiative is explored in detail in this deep programmer's reference.</description></book><book id=\"bk111\"><author>O'Brien, Tim</author><title>MSXML3: A Comprehensive Guide</title><genre>Computer</genre><price>36.95</price><publish_date>2000-12-01</publish_date><description>The Microsoft MSXML3 parser is covered in detail, with attention to XML DOM interfaces, XSLT processing, SAX and more.</description></book><book id=\"bk112\"><author>Galos, Mike</author><title>Visual Studio 7: A Comprehensive Guide</title><genre>Computer</genre><price>49.95</price><publish_date>2001-04-16</publish_date><description>Microsoft Visual Studio 7 is explored in depth, looking at how Visual Basic, Visual C++, C#, and ASP+ are integrated into a comprehensive development environment.</description></book></catalog>" }
Note: Notice how we are using JSON here even though we claimed not use JSON for the request or the response. This is because we will be using API Gateway later to get rid of the JSON and work with pure XML for both our request payload as well as the response body.
After the test event has been created, click Test again.
Now, scroll down to the Execution Results tab of the Function code section.
You should see the following output:
"statusCode": 200,
"headers": {
"Content-Type": "text/xml"
"body": "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"utf-8\"?><$><id>bk101</id></$><author>Gambardella, Matthew</author><title>XML Developer's Guide</title><genre>Computer</genre><price>44.95</price><publish_date>2000-10-01</publish_date><description>An in-depth look at creating applications with XML.</description><newAttribute>test</newAttribute>"
Notice how the XML element was taken from the original XML request, with a new attribute added:
<author>Ralls, Kim</author>
<title>Midnight Rain</title>
<description>A former architect battles corporate zombies,
an evil sorceress, and her own childhood to become queen
of the world.</description>
This confirms that we successfully parsed the XML document that we used for testing the Lambda function.
Now, navigate to the API Gateway page of the AWS Console:
Then, click Create API
Then, provide a Name for your API, such as XMLLambda
Then, click Create API
Now, select Create Resource from the Actions drop down list.
Then, provide a Resource Name, such as testxmllambda
Then, select Enable API Gateway CORS.
Then, click Create Resource.
Then, select Create Method from the Actions drop down list.
Then, select POST from the tiny drop down list and click on the even tinier checkmark icon next to it.
Then, type the name of the Lambda Function you created earlier, such as testxmllambda
Then, click Save
Then, click OK
Then, click on Integration Request
Expand Mapping Templates.
Then, click Add mapping template.
Then, type application/xml
Note: notice how we are diverting from the default here and are entering application/xml
instead of application/json
Then, click the tiny checkmark icon next to it.
Then, click Yes, secure this integration
Then, add the following VTL in the text editor:
{"body" : $input.json('$')}
And, click Save.
Now, scroll up and click Add mapping template and type text/xml
and repeat the exact same step as Step 4.1 by adding the following VTL code block to the text editor:
{"body" : $input.json('$')}
Then, click Save
Now, go back to the Method Execution page and click Integration Response.
Now, next to application/json
click the tiny delete icon.
Next, click Delete.
Now, click Add mapping template.
Then, type text/xml
as Content-Type and click the tiny checkmark icon.
Then, copy and paste the following VTL code block in the text editor:
#set($inputRoot = $input.path('$.body'))
Sorry, previously the VTL mapping template we provided had a trailing semi-colon, which became part of the response, but you don't need that there!!
So this is WRONG:
#set($inputRoot = $input.path('$.body'));
So this is CORRECT:
#set($inputRoot = $input.path('$.body'))
END OF 2020-12-02 UPDATE
Then, click Save at the bottom AND then click Save again at the top.
Now, go back to the Method Execution page and click Integration Response.
Then, click Method Response.
Then, expand the HTTP Status 200
Then, click the delete icon next to application/json
Then, click Add Response Model.
Then, enter application/soap+xml
as Content type.
Next, select Empty from the Models drop down list.
Then, click the tiny checkmark icon.
Now, select Deploy API from the Actions drop down list.
Then, if this is your first deployment, go ahead and create a new stage with name DEV
Then, click Deploy.
Then, copy the endpoint URL at the top of the page, for instance:
So our complete API endpoint URL becomes:
Now, enter the following cURL statement in a Window CMD prompt or bash:
curl -i -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/xml" -d "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?><catalog><book id=\"bk101\"><author>Gambardella, Matthew</author><title>XML Developer's Guide</title><genre>Computer</genre><price>44.95</price><publish_date>2000-10-01</publish_date><description>An in-depth look at creating applications with XML.</description></book><book id=\"bk102\"><author>Ralls, Kim</author><title>Midnight Rain</title><genre>Fantasy</genre><price>5.95</price><publish_date>2000-12-16</publish_date><description>A former architect battles corporate zombies, an evil sorceress, and her own childhood to become queen of the world.</description></book><book id=\"bk103\"><author>Corets, Eva</author><title>Maeve Ascendant</title><genre>Fantasy</genre><price>5.95</price><publish_date>2000-11-17</publish_date><description>After the collapse of a nanotechnology society in England, the young survivors lay the foundation for a new society.</description></book><book id=\"bk104\"><author>Corets, Eva</author><title>Oberon's Legacy</title><genre>Fantasy</genre><price>5.95</price><publish_date>2001-03-10</publish_date><description>In post-apocalypse England, the mysterious agent known only as Oberon helps to create a new life for the inhabitants of London. Sequel to Maeve Ascendant.</description></book><book id=\"bk105\"><author>Corets, Eva</author><title>The Sundered Grail</title><genre>Fantasy</genre><price>5.95</price><publish_date>2001-09-10</publish_date><description>The two daughters of Maeve, half-sisters, battle one another for control of England. Sequel to Oberon's Legacy.</description></book><book id=\"bk106\"><author>Randall, Cynthia</author><title>Lover Birds</title><genre>Romance</genre><price>4.95</price><publish_date>2000-09-02</publish_date><description>When Carla meets Paul at an ornithology conference, tempers fly as feathers get ruffled.</description></book><book id=\"bk107\"><author>Thurman, Paula</author><title>Splish Splash</title><genre>Romance</genre><price>4.95</price><publish_date>2000-11-02</publish_date><description>A deep sea diver finds true love twenty thousand leagues beneath the sea.</description></book><book id=\"bk108\"><author>Knorr, Stefan</author><title>Creepy Crawlies</title><genre>Horror</genre><price>4.95</price><publish_date>2000-12-06</publish_date><description>An anthology of horror stories about roaches, centipedes, scorpions and other insects.</description></book><book id=\"bk109\"><author>Kress, Peter</author><title>Paradox Lost</title><genre>Science Fiction</genre><price>6.95</price><publish_date>2000-11-02</publish_date><description>After an inadvertant trip through a Heisenberg Uncertainty Device, James Salway discovers the problems of being quantum.</description></book><book id=\"bk110\"><author>O'Brien, Tim</author><title>Microsoft .NET: The Programming Bible</title><genre>Computer</genre><price>36.95</price><publish_date>2000-12-09</publish_date><description>Microsoft's .NET initiative is explored in detail in this deep programmer's reference.</description></book><book id=\"bk111\"><author>O'Brien, Tim</author><title>MSXML3: A Comprehensive Guide</title><genre>Computer</genre><price>36.95</price><publish_date>2000-12-01</publish_date><description>The Microsoft MSXML3 parser is covered in detail, with attention to XML DOM interfaces, XSLT processing, SAX and more.</description></book><book id=\"bk112\"><author>Galos, Mike</author><title>Visual Studio 7: A Comprehensive Guide</title><genre>Computer</genre><price>49.95</price><publish_date>2001-04-16</publish_date><description>Microsoft Visual Studio 7 is explored in depth, looking at how Visual Basic, Visual C++, C#, and ASP+ are integrated into a comprehensive development environment.</description></book></catalog>"
Or, download and execute the supplied Windows CMD files for your convenience:
runxml.cmd to execute a cURL statement with a prepared sample XML payload
runxmlfile.cmd to execute a cURL statement with a payload read from a corresponding XML file payload: request.xml
The expected response from our test API in XML form is located here: exptectedresponse.xml
Or, paste the XML body from request.xml into a Postman API call.
Sorry, previously the VTL mapping template we provided had a trailing semi-colon, which became part of the response, but after removing it from the VTL (see above) the reponse is now clean XML.
2020-12-02 END OF UPDATE
Then, the result we should see appear is the following:
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Date: Thu, 10 Oct 2019 17:42:13 GMT
Content-Type: application/soap+xml
Content-Length: 2422
Connection: keep-alive
x-amzn-RequestId: 1070e31e-132c-4ef7-a10f-7abb81f5bd13
x-amz-apigw-id: BW4KSHPePHcFaDg=
X-Amzn-Trace-Id: Root=1-5d9f6d74-ce4acd82061fc4b4bca80e06;Sampled=0
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?><$><id>bk101</id></$><author>Gambardella, Matthew</author><title>XML Developer's Guide</title><genre>Computer</genre><price>44.95</price><publish_date>2000-10-01</publish_date><description>An in-depth look at creating applications with XML.</description><newAttribute>test</newAttribute>
And there we have it, if you look closely you can see not only a proper XML response, but also part of the parsed XML request payload:
<author>Ralls, Kim</author>
<title>Midnight Rain</title>
<description>A former architect battles corporate zombies,
an evil sorceress, and her own childhood to become queen
of the world.</description>
Note: notice how are both our request payload and reponse body are actual XML objects with a proper xml
In this lab we showed you how you can create an API with AWS API Gateway and Lambda to consume an XML body, without the use of JSON.
Roles | Author(s) |
Lab Manuals | Manfred Wittenbols @mwittenbols |
Version | Date | Comments |
1.0 | Oct 9, 2019 | Initial release |
1.1 | April 10, 2020 | Bugfix, as the sample wasn't working properly. Thanks to Ramesh Patel |
1.2 | December 2, 2020 | Bugfix, trailing semi-colon showed up in the results due to wrong VTL, Thanks to Parth Srivastava @parthsr |