mxenabled / mxcpu

Arecibo / MXCPU Billboard Puzzle
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Arecibo / MXCPU Billboard Puzzle

MXCPU Instruction Set

Note: The results of all operations are modulo 256 and all memory slot addresses are modulo 16.

Op-code Operand 1 Operand 2 Explanation
B1 byte # -- Set PC to byte #
B2 Memory slot [00-0F] byte # If accumulator equals register, jump to byte, otherwise, advance program counter 3 bytes (to next instruction)
B3 Value byte # If accumulator equals value, jump to byte, otherwise, advance program counter 3 bytes (to next instruction)
C0 Memory slot [00-0F] -- Add memory slot value to accumulator
C1 Value to add to accumulator -- Add value to accumulator
C2 -- -- Increment the counter
C3 -- -- Decrement the counter
C4 -- -- Reset the counter to zero
C5 -- -- Copy counter to accumulator
C6 -- -- Copy accumulator to counter
D0 Memory slot [00-0F] -- Copy memory slot value to accumulator
D1 Value -- Set accumulator to value
D2 Memory slot [00-0F] -- Store accumulator in memory slot
00 -- -- Halt program execution


Download a stand-alone JavaScript interpreter such as rhino.

Write your program into a file. For example, to sum the numbers from 1 to 10 and store the result in memory slot 0x00:

C4 D1 00 D2 00 C2 C5 B3 0B 10 C0 00 D2 00 B1 05 00

Run your program: $ rhino mxcpu.js myprogram.txt

Running program
PC          0x10
INC         0xb
ACC         0xb
MEMORY          0x37,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0