Applimode is a powerful, next-generation solution for building apps and websites, designed to outperform traditional CMS platforms like WordPress. Built with Flutter, Applimode offers unmatched flexibility, enabling you to seamlessly create and deploy high-performance apps across Android, iOS, web, and PWA—all from a single codebase. Whether you're crafting a blog, a forum, or complex media-driven platforms, Applimode empowers even non-developers to build fully functional, modern applications and deploy them effortlessly to Google Firebase, all at minimal cost.
Configure your Applimode app
Overview of Configuration
This guide is a summary. If you have any questions or encounter any problems during the process, please refer to this section (Win, mac).
- Download and install the following packages:
Git (only Windows), VSCode · Flutter SDK (Win, mac), Android Studio (Win, mac), Xcode (only macOS), Rosetta 2 (only macOS), Homebrew (only macOS), rbenv · Ruby · CocoaPods (only macOS), Node.js · Firebase CLI · Flutterfire CLI (Win, mac)
- Visit the Firebase console, create a new project, and enable Authentication, Firestore Database, and Storage.
- Clone the Applimode repository and initialize it.
git clone
cp -r ./applimode/applimode-tool ./; node ./applimode-tool/index.js init; rm -r ./applimode-tool
- Open your initialized Applimode project in VS Code, and run the following command.
flutter pub get; dart run build_runner build -d; flutterfire configure --platforms=android,ios,web; node ./applimode-tool/index.js firebaserc; firebase deploy --only firestore; firebase deploy --only storage;
when asked something, press n or N.
- If images are not displayed when building for the web (CORS issue), follow this step.
Additionally, you can set or configure the following:
- Change the images for the app icon and the launch screen (Win, mac)
- Change the app's main color (Win, mac)
- Add administrator (Win, mac)
- Admin settings and custom settings (Win, mac)
- Configure push notification (Win, mac)
- Configure Cloudflare R2 (Win, mac)
- Instead of Firebase Cloud Storage, you can set up Cloudflare R2 as your media file storage
- The biggest advantage of R2 is that transfer fees are free. If you are building a video-centric app, I highly recommend using Cloudflare R2.
- Configure Cloudflare D1 (Win, mac)
Applimode supports hashtag search by default. If you want to use full-text search, use Cloudflare D1.
- Configure Cloudflare CDN (Win, mac)
- Configure Youtube image proxy (Win, mac)
- Configure Youtube video proxy (Win, mac)
- Use your custom domain (Win, mac)
- Upgrade your project with the new Applimode version (Win, mac)
- Configure Cloud Firestore Security Rules (Win, mac)
- Configure writing access for admin users only (Win, mac)
- Change the app's name (Win, mac)
- Change the organization name for the app (Win, mac)
- Set up the AI assistant (Win, mac)
- Troubleshooting (Win, mac)
Main Features
- 5 distinct bulletin board styles: list, box, rounded box, page, and mixed layout
- Multi-platform support: Android, iOS, Web, and PWA
- Versatile post types: text, images, videos
- Markdown support for posts
- AI-powered post creation
- Commenting options: text and images
- Like and dislike functionality
- Hashtags and search capability
- Categories and ranking system
- Extensive admin settings
- User blocking feature
- Applimode Demo Web
- Applimode Dev Web
Deployment Recommendations
- It is recommended to first deploy as a web app (PWA) and expand to a native app (for Android and iOS) as the scale grows.
- Applimode's web and native apps share the same features.
- Native apps generally perform better than web apps.
- However, web apps are easier to deploy (including updates) and do not require paid developer memberships from Apple or Google.
- The performance of Flutter’s web apps is rapidly improving, and applying WebAssembly (WASM) can lead to a significant performance boost.
With Applimode, I want you to save your time and money.
- Build a community or blog service that supports web, iOS, and Android in just a few hours.
- Achieve zero initial cost and minimal maintenance costs.
- Make it easy to build, even for non-developers.
- Build and manage on your own server.
The content of this section will be updated in the future.
The content of this section will be updated in the future.
Please see the changelog for more details about a given release.
Special thanks to these amazing projects which help power Applimode: