mycodeiscat / ControlNet-LLLite-diffusers

GNU General Public License v3.0
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ControlNet-LLLite hack for diffusers

This is a quick hack for ControlNet-LLLite to work with diffusers.


diffusers>=0.27.2 (Due to difference in forward calls and PEFT integration)


from PIL import Image
import numpy as np
from controlnet_lite import ControlNetLLLite

# Load ControlNetLllite weights 
path = 'kohya_controllllite_xl_canny.safetensors'
controlnet = ControlNetLLLite(path)

# Load Control Image
cond_image = diffusers.utils.load_image("")
# Convert the image to numpy array
cond_image = np.array(image)

conditioning_weight = 1

# Apply ControlNetLLLite to the pipeline
controlnet.apply(pipe=pipeline, cond=control_image, weight=conditioning_weight)


Currently there is no way to control start and end of the conditioning As it can only be controled from the diffusers.DiffusionPipeline, and will require separate custom pipeline for Txt2Img, Img2Img etc. TODO: figure out smart way to bypass this

Also looking into smarter way to unload models.


Thanks to kohya-ss, the original author of ControlNetLLLite, for supporting the development.