mycpp / myCPP
GNU General Public License v2.0
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Welcome to the myCPP Tool

This is a repository for the "my Clean Power Plan", or "myCPP", tool. The scope of the tool is to facilitate comprehension of state implications with respect to the EPA's Clean Power Plan.

In light of recent legal proceedings (2016), the scope of the tool has been repurposed from that of targeting state legislators, to educationing the general public on sources of electrical power and corresponding carbon emissions. This new "my Clean Power" (myCP) tool is located at

The repository for the "My Clean Power Plan" tool will remain as is, while updates to the tools will be dedicated to the (new) "My Clean Power" tool, and its living repository. More information on the scope and motivation for the original myCPP tool can be found below.


The University of Tennessee Bredesen Center and the University of Tennessee Nuclear Engineering department have undergone a collaborative effort in evaluating the Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) Clean Power Plan (CPP) for its accuracy and fair treatment of all energy sources.

Original Scope of the Tool

The original intention of the tool was to aide policymakers (and members of the interested public) in understanding the state compliance pathways of the EPA's Clean Power Plan. This would be done in the form of visual aides i.e. state maps and toggle bars created by Bredesen Center students.

Feature Plan

[ ] leaflet integration [ ] lat/lon of plants [ ] color code of plants by CO2 output and power Output [ ] Legend of Plant Type, ColorBrewer for consistent colors