mykle1 / Hello-Lucy

Hide/Show pages, all or individual modules. Improved and more user friendly
MIT License
45 stars 11 forks source link


Streamlined off-line voice control for MM

New and improved. More user friendly and more improvements to come.

Special thanks


From the original Hello-Lucy

Custom Audio support

Add any module to work with Hello-Lucy!

Very important Pi users!

3 Step Installation

Please complete all 3

Config options

disabled: false,
module: "Hello-Lucy",
position: "top_center",
config: {
    keyword: 'HELLO LUCY',              // keyword to activate listening for a command/sentence
    timeout: 15,                        // timeout listening for a command/sentence
    standByMethod: 'DPMS',              // 'DPMS' = anything else than RPi or 'PI'
    microphone: "0,0",                  // run "arecord -l" card # and device # mine is "0,0"
    sounds: ["1.mp3", "11.mp3"],        // welcome sound at startup. Add several for a random greetings
    confirmationSound: "ding.mp3",      // name and extension of sound file
    startHideAll: true,                 // All modules start as hidden EXCEPT PAGE ONE
    // *** Page One is your default startup page *** This overrides startHideAll: true,
    pageOneModules: ["Hello-Lucy","MMM-EasyPix"],                     // default modules to show on page one/startup
    pageTwoModules: ["Hello-Lucy", "MMM-BMW-DS", "MMM-EventHorizon"], // modules to show on page two
    pageThreeModules: ["Hello-Lucy", "MMM-Lunartic"],                 // modules to show on page three
    pageFourModules: ["Hello-Lucy", "MMM-PC-Stats"],                  // modules to show on page four
    pageFiveModules: ["Hello-Lucy", "MMM-Searchlight"],               // modules to show on page five
    pageSixModules: ["Hello-Lucy", "MMM-NOAA3"],                      // modules to show on page six
    pageSevenModules: ["Hello-Lucy", "MMM-Recipe"],                   // modules to show on page seven
    pageEightModules: ["Hello-Lucy", "MMM-rfacts"],                   // modules to show on page eight
    pageNineModules: ["Hello-Lucy", "MMM-History"],                   // modules to show on page nine
    pageTenModules: ["Hello-Lucy", "MMM-HardwareMonitor"]             // modules to show on page ten

StandBy options

Option Default Description info
standByMethod OPTIONAL
'PI' use the tvservice command available on Raspberry pi to turn off the HDMI monitor source
'DPMS' use the exec DMPS command to turn off the monitor source (not on pi, or not hdmi) (default)
'HIDE' hide all module content, if display is on EnergyStar device that shows ugly 'no signal' screen for the other two choices
startHidden true/false whether at MagciMirror startup to hide all modules and show image default=true

How to add any module you want for use with Hello-Lucy

Future upgrades for Hello_Lucy will eliminate the need for any modifications by the user (That's you)

Modules below that work by default