mysociety / ainow

Website for the AI Now Symposium
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A website for the TICTeC Conference.

Local development

This project includes a Vagrantfile to make local development easier.

This includes a trigger that runs script/bootstrap-dev on vagrant up which will attempt to download up-to-date test data for the environment. Note that triggers require Vagrant >= 2.1.0.

It relies on your having key-based SSH access to which most people working on Tictec should have.

If it encounters a problem, it will halt and output an error message.

To start work on your local machine, simply run:

$ vagrant up

To get a fully configured vagrant development environment. The code is installed into /vagrant/ainow inside the VM, and you can run the Django dev server from within the Vagrant machine with:

$ script/server

The website will then be running at http://localhost:8000

The virtualenv can be sourced with:

$ source ../virtualenv-ainow/bin/activate

Get a copy of the live data

If you want to mirror the live database to your vagrant dev environment you can run ./script/mirror-live-database from your local machine (not in vagrant!) and it will pull down and load the latest version of the data. Note This will drop your development database and replace it with the live one.


Administration happens through Django's in-built admin interface. For production, this lives at


The basis of each instance of a conference is the Schedule. Without this, nothing will work.

Conference Timetable


A Slot represents a discrete period of time within a conference schedule in which one or more things may happen.


A Session is an occurence of zero or more Presentations, in a Room, in a specific Slot. This is the closest thing that exists to the concept of a 'timetable slot'.

In the case of a Session for lunch or similar, there will be no Presentations. A keynote would have one Presentation, and a regular slot may have many.


A presentation represents a talk by one or more Speakers, and occurs within a Session. They may have resources attached to them such as YouTube videos, or SlideShare presentations.


A physical location in which Sessions occur.

Speakers & Attendees

Each Schedule will likely have many people attending. These are represented by Attendees and Speakers. Please note that these do not relate to each other - details for someone as a Speaker will be presented in a different context on the website to any details they may have as an Attendee.


People who will appear in the list of attendees for a Schedule. May be linked to Users if we want them to be able to edit their own profile, but this is not necessary.

A person may attend (in theory) multiple Schedules, but this can cause administrative woes if someone moves jobs (for example) between conferences.


Speakers are fundamentally attendees who can be linked to Presentations.

Keynote Speakers

Keynote speakers are specified in the view for the Schedule, and not in the database.


Some elements of the site source their content from the Blocks, based on slug.

Blocks are parsed as Markdown in most contexts.

Important Code Locations

Schedule Front Pages

Each schedule has its own front page template which lives in the ainow/templates/ainow folder, its own view which lives in conference/, and a URL which lives in conference/

Conference-specific Speaker Pages

Some conferences have a custom speaker page view, for example where they have keynote speakers. These have URLs hardcoded in conference/ and a matching view in conference/