FMS-Endpoint is a simple open source web application for storing problem reports created by mySociety's FixMyStreet platform. In fact, as it's an Open311 server, it should be happy accepting any reports submitted over the Open311 API.
FixMyStreet sends reports to the relevant authority/department/council. This is often accomplished by sending an email, but it's usually best if the report can be injected directly into the back-end system. These systems can be large and complex and FixMyStreet can integrate with a growing number of them. The Open311 standard is used by some third parties to simplify this integration process.
However, if you're using FixMyStreet in an environment where the recipient of reports has no established back-end database for collecting reports, FMS-endpoint is a quick solution if you need to get something simple up and running.
FixMyStreet-endpoint is written in PHP using the CodeIgniter framework. You should find it easy to install provided you have access to a webserver and a database.
The code generally expects to be running under an Apache webserver with a mySQL database. It may be possible change these things if your system is different -- see the installation documentation:
Installation instructions: see documentation/
If you're familiar with PHP CodePoint (or possibly just PHP!) you might be
able to get things going just by dropping the repository somewhere under your
server root. (In fact, for a super quickstart, set up your webserver so that
is the server root).
The FMS-endpoint root page will provide diagnostics even if you've not got the database running, so try hitting that as soon as you get going.
Remember to see documentation/
for details. If the home page seems
OK, try clicking on Main site and logging in as the default out-of-the-box
You must to change these values as soon as you're logged in! The root page will tell you how (until you've done it).
The Open311 implementation is nearly all from Philip Ashlock's raw implementation of Open311 GeoReport v2.
but also check in documentation/
for component-specific
FMS-endpoint is a mySociety project.
This particular project has been made possible with funding from AusAid, through the World Bank.
Oct-2012__ FMS-endpoint is currently a work-in-progress! Check for changes.