mysociety / mysoc-validator

Pydantic validators for mySociety democracy types
MIT License
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A set of pydantic-based validators and classes for common mySociety democracy formats.

Currently supports:

XML based formats are tested to round-trip with themselves, but not to be string identical with the original source.

Can be installed with pip install mysoc-validator

To use as a cli validator:

python -m mysoc_validator validate --path <path-to-people.json> --type popolo
python -m mysoc_validator validate --path <path-to-transcript.xml> --type transcript
python -m mysoc_validator validate --path <path-to-interests.xml> --type interests

Or if using uvx (don't need to install first):

uvx mysoc-validator validate --path <path-to-people.json> --type popolo


A pydantic based validator for main mySociety people.json file (which mostly follows the popolo standard with a few extra bits).


It also has support for looking up from name or identifying to person, and new ID generation for membership.

Using name or ID lookup

After first use, there is some caching behind the scenes to speed this up.

from mysoc_validator import Popolo
from mysoc_validator.models.popolo import Chamber, IdentifierScheme
from datetime import date

popolo = Popolo.from_parlparse()

keir_starmer_parl_id = popolo.persons.from_identifier(
    "4514", scheme=IdentifierScheme.MNIS
keir_starmer_name = popolo.persons.from_name(
    "keir starmer", chamber_id=Chamber.COMMONS, date=date.fromisoformat("2022-07-31")
) ==


Python validator and handler for 'publicwhip' style transcript format.

from mysoc_validator import Transcript
from pathlib import Path

transcript_file = Path("data", "debates2023-03-28d.xml")

transcript = Transcript.from_xml_path(transcript_file)

Register of Interests

Python validator and handler for 'publicwhip' style interests format.

from mysoc_validator import Register
from pathlib import Path

register_file = Path("data", "regmem2024-05-28.xml")
interests = Register.from_xml_path(register_file)