mythmon / wok

A static website generator - Toss some content, templates, and media in a pan and fry it up!
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Wok is a static website generator. It turns a pile of templates, content, and resources (like CSS and images) into a neat stack of plain HTML. Wok is distributed under the MIT license (see the LICENSE file for more details).

The idea is that you don't need a big server-side engine like PHP to generate every page every visit: you can generate them all ahead of time, and only regenerate things when something has changed. A good way this could be done would be with a post-commit hook on a git repository containing your content or layout.

I made wok because projects like Jekyll, Hyde, and Static were intriguing, but in the end didn't quite match what I wanted to do with my website. So I am writing my own. Funnily, the mythical website that inspired wok still hasn't been written.

Sample Sites

A bare bones site is included in the wok git repo, in the test directory. It is really just a playground for devs to test new features, and not a good learning tool.

The documentation site available in the doc directory should be a fairly complete example of a small site that is good to learn from.

For some real world examples check out these sites.

For some more documentation, checkout the doc site. To learn and share with other users, you can check out the wiki.


The recommended way to install wok is from the Python Package Index with this command.

sudo pip install wok

Alternatively, if you want to hack on wok or just need the latest code, you can run from git head, and if you want to you can install to your system directories with this command. Note that you will need to install dependencies by hand in this case.

sudo python2 install


All dependencies are available from pip. Although optional, you really should install either markdown or docutils, and if you install from pip, they will be installed for you. Pygments is used for syntax highlighting, and will also be installed from pip.




You might be interested in the tutorial

To use wok, go to the directory where your site files are located, and run the command wok. No output will be given unless something goes wrong. If it returns without error, you should have a shiny new output folder containing some HTML, and your media that represents your shiny new site.

To aid in testing links on the site, wok includes a development server. You can run it with the command wok --server, which will generate the site as normal, and then run a webserver on port 8080. The comments on that particular file say:

Do NOT attempt to use this as anything resembling a production server. It is meant to be used as a development test server only.

This test server is slow, and likely insecure, but for local testing of the site during development, it is really convenient.

Wok pulls the pieces of your site from three places. For each of these places, you can modify the path wok looks for them in the configuration file.


Pulled from a directory named content by default. Content is written in lightweight markup or in plain text, with an optional YAML header section. The directory structure of the file mean nothing to wok. It builds the structure of the site based on the titles and the category metadata.

Since wok uses lightweight mark up languages like Markdown and reStructuredText, it is easy to do nice formatting in the pages without using a GUI editor or a cumbersome language like HTML. Built in syntax highlighting and media copying make things even easier.

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Pulled from templates by default. Wok uses Jinja2 templates, with various variables exposed to build pages. This is a very flexible templating environment with control flow, filters, and other ways to slice and dice the data that wok gives you.

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Settings can be changed in the file config in the current directory.

Possible configuration options (and their defaults) are

More info: config, urls.