mytnguyen26 / METCS777-GenAIForTheme

This repository is a project for METCS777. This project focuses on fine-tuning Gen AI models for theme specific content
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This repository is a project for METCS777. This project focuses on fine-tuning Gen AI models for theme specific content

Data Collection and preprocessing

1. Data Collection

The data we used for this projects are obtained via webscrapping (using beautifulSoup and Selenium) from the following sources:

After scrapping, this set of data is updated to the project Shared Drive for further proccessing in EMR.

Our dataset, comprising over 4,600 paintings, was collected from four sources: the Harvard Art Museum API, Metropolitan Museum of Art Open Access, Smithsonian Institution API, and Palace Museum API (though the Palace Museum data was not used due to format disparity). The Harvard and Smithsonian APIs provide JSON-formatted data with general information, content details, descriptive attributes, and online media links, including high-resolution JPEG images. The Metropolitan Museum's metadata, available in CSV format via GitHub, contains unrestricted data, similar to the other museums. Python code was used to extract metadata and download painting data files, with 93 artworks from Harvard Museum, 984 from the Metropolitan Museum, and 567 from the Smithsonian Museum. Despite attempting multiple combinations of attributes for metadata, including title, artist, period, material, type, and tags, noise from lengthy captions distorted the model's performance, leading to a focus on shorter, more representative captions constructed from titles or concatenated tags. Approximately 300 paintings lacked usable caption details and required manual labeling.

2. Preprocessing

There are 2 preprocessing steps that need to happen on the raw data just scrapped, the caption processing and image preprocessing.

To conduct preprocessing, one must place all images and the metadata.csv file in the same directory and subsequently execute preprocess_images.ipynb. Alternatively, running locally is viable.

However, due to caching issues encountered during the conversion of the Spark DataFrame to a Hugging Face dataset on EMR, cannot be executed successfully in a multi-machine environment.

2.1. Caption preprocessing process

The caption was initially generated by combining the painting's title, author, and dynasty, but the model's final prediction result proved unsatisfactory. Therefore, the final caption was manually edited.

In the metadata file, all image file names in the directory and their respective captions need to be recorded.

At the end of this process, a metadata.csv file is created with the following columns (file_name, and caption). The data in metadata.csv has the following format

file_name caption
.jpg or .png Text string describing the image

During the preprocessing process, the caption string is transformed into a sequence of numbers using Clip Tokenizer, as illustrated below:

“Chinese painting: Ink Landscape completed in …” -> [49406, 4271, 3086, 281, 5727, 953, 11900, 37450, 568, 257, 24717, …]

2.2. Image preprocessing process with Spark

To prevent distortion of the paintings, all images are padded and resized to a square size of 512 pixels. Then, normalization is applied.



At the end of this process, a train_set.parquet file is created with just the pixel_value and input_ids . These two columns, respectively, are the image embedding column and the caption embedding column. This train_set.parquet is ready to be read by the for the model fine-tuning process.

Note that: The image preprocessing steps for this process happened seperately on each of us lab account, therefore to share the data between us, we used our project Google Drive.

Fine-tuning process

1. Pre-Requisite

To finetune stable-diffusion-v1.5, at least 1 GPU of at least 24GB is required. An example of GPU of this type is L4 from Google Colab Pro. However, for the best result (within reasonable amount of time), also tried distributed training with Huggingface's accelerate api on a 2-GPUs instance, each with 48G VRAM (screenshot below). For this option we choose to rent GPU pods from We described the finetuning process below for each option

At the end of this finetuning process, a model pipeline is created saved in the output.model location in the experiment_*.yaml file you configured. This pipeline can be loaded in again for inference, using HuggingFace StableDiffusionPipeline.from_pretrain() API

2. Option 1: Fine-tune on Google Colab

To run the fine-tuning process on Google Colab Pro, one can use the ./examples/train_stable_diffusion_with_colab.ipynb notebook. To configure your own parameter for training, you can reuse or create a new copy of ./configs/experiment_*.yaml in directory location. The experiement_*.yaml file look something like this

  # The path to the local drive of the machine, where the training parquet files are stored
  # this assume you have moved data there before hand
  path: "./train_set_large_Harward_Metroplitan_Smithsonian/"
  # Other possible type are imagefolder, csv, ... (which is coming from huggingface load_dataset())
  type: "parquet"
  learning_rate: 0.0001
  batch_size: 16
  epochs: 1
  max_train_steps: 2000
  # The path where the model ouput will be stored
  model: "./output/"
  log: "./log/"

Then, in the notebook cell, change the train() function to:

def train():
   with open("./configs/<your experiment file>.yaml") as infile:
         configs = safe_load(infile)

3. Option 2: Fine-tune on rented GPU servers

If you can rent Pods on, we recommend at least an instance with 2 GPUs, each with a 48GB of VRAM (so total 96GB). The exact instance we used for finetuning is screenshot below:

alt text

Once you deploy your pod, you can choose to connect to it by clicking on Connect button, and choose any of these option:

Next, we need to setup this instance with all the dependencies for training pytorch model with accelerate. Create a new terminal, then you can execute the following shell command one by one

git clone
export PYTHONPATH="$PYTHONPATH:/workspace/METCS777-GenAIForTheme/"
cd METCS777-GenAIForTheme
python -m venv .venv
source ./.venv/bin/activate
pip install -r requirements.txt
gdown --folder <your train_set.parquet folder URL in google drive, assume that folder is available to the public>

Or, just run the script (change google drive folder path or remove if you dont use google drive)

source ./shell/

Make sure to create your own experiment.yaml file with all the paths configured (refer to option 1 for example)

Finally, in your terminal, run the following command to set up the accelerate config to train. It will ask you some questions to correctly configure the training.

accelerate config

Then, you can finally execute the training in the terminal, as shown in the screenshot below

accelerate launch --num_processes=2 pipeline/ --configs configs/experiment_3.yaml

train on runpod

For more detail on what are the supported arguments to further configured accelerate, refer to the Accelerate Doc here

4. Alternative options

The finetuning process can be easily adapt to other training option, such as with Spark MLLib, or SageMaker by using ./pipeline/ script as an entrypoint. However, due to the cost of renting out AWS GPU Instances, we quickly abandoned this idea.

Inference and Result

1. Evaluation

Evaluation strategy we decided to use for this project is to have human SME as evaluator, who would visually compare images generated by stable-diffusion-v1-5 versus images generated by our fine-tuned stable-diffusion.

2. Result

Below are images generated from the best experiment we had (using ./configs/experiment_4.1.yaml). The total training time was ~1.5 hours on 2 RTX6000 ADA GPUs instance.

chinese immortal playing music chinese immortal flower with mountain landscape mountain landscape

And below is the training loss over 40 EPOCHs (batch size 16)

log loss

Some additional instructions for Developers

Git Commit and SageMaker instruction

To facilitate colaboration, we can push our notebooks and codes to GitHub. Then Sagemaker server (Jupyter Lab) in each individual accounts can pull from our central Github Repository. To setup:

  1. In your GitHub setting, create a personal access token, follow instruction here
  2. In AWS console, navigate to SageMaker service -> Notebook -> Git Repository. Follow this intruction from AWS to connect to GitRepository alt text
  3. Now, when we launch Jupyter Lab and Jupyter Notebook, we can pull/push from repository using the Terminal, or by executing
    !git pull origin main

    in the notebook cell

If you are using the lab and want to connect to AWS

  1. In your labmodule, get your credentials detail and follow instruction to add to ~/.aws/credentials config alt text