mzomparelli / zVirtualDesktop

Windows 10 Virtual Desktop Hotkeys, System Tray Icon, Wallpapers, and Task View replacement
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API / command line arguments #234

Open mzomparelli opened 5 years ago

mzomparelli commented 5 years ago

Possibility to change desktop from command line/SDK. Hotkeys are ok for power user, but in my case I fear that it would be too much for them to handle. I was thinking about creating an APP that let them manage this from an UI, but I have to do it by sending key it sometimes failed if the user touch something. If I can't create a basic profile, I would like to be able to recreate it with a script. Ability to run a script on the first startup of a particular desktop Ability to give name to virtual desktop with SDK ability to launch a program in a particular virtual desktop. For myself It's fine I can do it from UI, but in my case it's useless if i can't do programmatically. This is just an example, but that's what I'm looking for :

zVirtualDesktop.exe -StartVDesktop "8" (start 8 virtualdesktop) zVirtualDesktop.exe -SwitchDesktop "1" (switch to desktop 1) zVirtualDesktop.exe -LablVDesktop "1" -Name "Customer 1" (assign label to virtualdesktop) zVirtualDesktop.exe -StartProcess "Program" -vDesktop "5" (start a program and pin the program to a particuliar desktop) zVirtualDesktop.exe -ShowAllCurrentVDesktop (Equivalent of Windows key + tab) zVirtualDesktop.exe -ListVDesktopProperties (list virual desktop with their current programs, label, ID, etc)

wdscxsj commented 4 years ago

Please consider adding a -PinApplication option, which accepts multiple arguments or can be used multiple times. I have several applications to "always share" across all desktops, and it's boring to configure them one by one. Thanks a lot!

oywino commented 3 years ago

+1 All I need is to be able to change to another desktop from the command line.

SHHSSH commented 3 years ago

Would it be possible for zVDv2 to have a customisable hotkey to send CMDPrompt CMDs?

E.g; nircmd.exe win trans class Shell_TrayWnd 256

Now I know there is already a hotkey for toggling the hide/show of the taskbar, but occasionally with Windows 10, it can force itself above all other windows, even if those other windows have always on top.

Basically it's a very tedious process to constantly hit the windows key to show it again so the system automatically hides it, therefore I occasionally use NirSoft's nircmd to forcefully hide it.

I'm wonder if there might be the possibility of having zVD function as a quicker method to send CMDLine commands?

Anyway Michael, if you aren't familiar with NirSoft's utilities, I suggest you give them a look, they might benefit you.


mzomparelli commented 3 years ago

This is not really related to this issue as this issue is about zVD accepting command line arguments.

I did tweak zVD to do what you want though. Version will do what you need using the Open a File action.

In the following screenshot I'm opening Brave browser in incognito mode. It works by putting the args on a new line.

C:\Program Files\BraveSoftware\Brave-Browser\Application\brave.exe --incognito


mzomparelli commented 3 years ago

My server was not getting the updated exe. All is good now. The current version is as of 2021-07-04

oywino commented 3 years ago

How come mine says and that I do have the latest version, if there is a version out?

mzomparelli commented 3 years ago

Click the force update button on the settings form. These little changes aren't broadcast to all users until I publish a new minor build. This gives time to test with a smaller group.