mzomparelli / zVirtualDesktop

Windows 10 Virtual Desktop Hotkeys, System Tray Icon, Wallpapers, and Task View replacement
448 stars 44 forks source link is marked by BitDefender as a dangerous page #286

Closed birnam closed 2 years ago

birnam commented 3 years ago

Subsequently, BitDefender is blocking what I assume are login and/or license verification attempts roughly every 30 seconds.


mzomparelli commented 3 years ago

Yeah, I don't know about the 30 seconds unless I have it keep retrying. It should not be any more than 1 hour. I'll look into this.

That is the url I use for updates and I suspect it sees that and that the exe is unsigned. You just have to trust me here until I decide to start signing my exe and build reputation. I assure you that nothing malicious is occurring. Just trying to offer people a useful tool that I use everyday. Maybe add an exception to Bitdefender. Sorry for the inconvenience.

mzomparelli commented 3 years ago

I am a little concerned that bitdefender is reporting http rather than https. There should not be any http requests coming from zVD.

mzomparelli commented 3 years ago

Also, I can't stop pinging this server because it's also the activation server. If you buy zVD then you can register offline and then block the activation server. However, this would prevent automatic updates as well.

mzomparelli commented 3 years ago

My homepage on that url is probably not helping either. I need to update that with more content s it doesn't seem suspicious. Ultimately I'm going to move the activation server to

They are on the same server. I just need to change some mapping and update some code. Easier said than done really.

birnam commented 3 years ago

BitDefender also gives me the error/warning when I try to visit directly. I have purchased zVD so I'll try the offline registration to see if it will quiet the warnings, although obviously that's treating the symptom and not the disease.

After leaving this going longer, I think the gaps are mostly an hour between tries, however there was a big chunk about the time I wrote the issue report where they were coming every 30 seconds.

I can confirm, it's reaching out to https. The screenshot above was me trying to reach the site directly and I just typed in the bare domain, sorry if that was confusing. https in a browser also causes the warning.

birnam commented 3 years ago

This is the warning created from zVD as recorded by BitDefender. I tried looking for any helpful reasons but I haven't found anything. image

birnam commented 3 years ago

Here is the BitDefender page on reporting false positives though -- this might be helpful

mzomparelli commented 3 years ago

thanks, I have submitted the url as a false positive. Not sure what they'll think when they see the home page. There was no place for me to enter more info so I hope that they contact me via the email they also asked for.

mzomparelli commented 3 years ago

the disease is the people that create malicious code not that zVD is flagged as a false positive. Even if I sign my code it's still possible to be flagged due to not having enough reputation on the certificate to satisfy the anti-virus. This can be a costly battle for me. Code-signing certs are not cheap and you have to keep them up to date or else lose all the reputation it has gained.

mzomparelli commented 3 years ago

Bitdefender has unblocked my url.
