mzomparelli / zVirtualDesktop

Windows 10 Virtual Desktop Hotkeys, System Tray Icon, Wallpapers, and Task View replacement
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Plase add the Fill option for the desktop images #298

Closed tester0077 closed 2 years ago

tester0077 commented 2 years ago

Just found this app; like it and have got myself a license for one PC need it for at least one or two more. Would like it even more if there was as option to use the 'Fill' option for my favorite desktop wall paper. I was using that option up to now and, without it, the wallpaper does not fill the screen for all of my 3 monitors and, instead leaves a black strip on both left and right.

mzomparelli commented 2 years ago

Thanks for the feedback and thank you for purchasing a license. I am aware that some work needs to be done in the wallpaper area and I will keep this issue in mind when I get time to dig into all of that.

tester0077 commented 2 years ago

In some of your old code one can achieve this with

if (style == Style.Fill) { key.SetValue(@"WallpaperStyle", 10.ToString()); key.SetValue(@"TileWallpaper", 0.ToString()); }

mzomparelli commented 2 years ago

Thank you for that. I will work this in.

mzomparelli commented 2 years ago

I have worked this into let me know if you have any issues.

mzomparelli commented 2 years ago

The force update button on the settings form will force a download from the server. Users are only notified upon major updates which I will be releasing soon.

tester0077 commented 2 years ago

Looks like it works as expected. Thank you.