mzomparelli / zVirtualDesktop

Windows 10 Virtual Desktop Hotkeys, System Tray Icon, Wallpapers, and Task View replacement
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Possible to define where Desktop View will open with multi-monitor? #299

Open benz145 opened 2 years ago

benz145 commented 2 years ago

I've been using ZVD for years and I love it (save for the thumbnail display bug that has sadly never been fixed for me) 👍. It seems like the default behavior when opening Desktop View with multiple monitors is to open on the currently focused desktop. It would be nice to be able to choose between these options:

mzomparelli commented 2 years ago

I'm sorry we could not get to the bottom of the thumbnail bug for you. Seems like you're the only one.

This new request sounds like something we can do.

To clarify how it currently works, it's actually your third bullet point. It goes where your mouse is because you will be interacting with it so it made sense to do it that way.

benz145 commented 2 years ago

Ah yes my mistake. I think that's the most sensible default option, though I have some other 'overlay' type applications with different behaviors and I find myself sometimes looking at the wrong monitor for when it will pop up. Being able to have some options would be awesome.

Also I posted in the other thread, I think the thumbnail issue is finally fixed! 🙏