A library with the main goal of taking in a string of mathematical text and returning a tree. This can then be evaluated to return a numeric result. Having an expression in tree state allows for you to manipulate it easily, and work directly with math to perform various operations on the expression. These include:
A tree is composed of leaves and nodes. A leaf in the mathematial trees used in this parser is either a variable or a number literal. A node is an operator. Each kind of leaf and node has a class assoiated with it, and every class in a tree inherits from 1 abstract base class with a couple of built in methods.
1 + 2
/ \
1 2
*1 + 2 3**
/ \
/ \
* 1
/ \
2 3
*(1 + 2) 3**
/ \
/ \
+ 3
/ \
1 2
Every leaf and node in a tree has an evaluate method. Evaluating a constant returns its value, but evaluating an operator returns the operation performed on the evaluated versions of its arguments:
/ \ *
+ 3 ---> / \ ---> 9
/ \ 3 3
1 2