n-donati / CanvasMD

Canvas ported for terminal for easy file uploads.
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CanvasMD is a powerful command-line interface application that allows you to interact with the Canvas Learning Management System directly from your terminal. This tool is designed for students and educators who prefer a streamlined, keyboard-driven workflow and want to manage their Canvas tasks efficiently without the need to open a web browser.


Getting Started



  1. Clone this repository:

    git clone https://github.com/ndonatti/CanvasMD.git
    cd CanvasMD
  2. Install the required dependencies:

    pip install -r requirements.txt


  1. Run the tool using:

    python canvasmd.py
  2. When you first run the application, you'll be prompted to enter your Canvas access token. To get your token:

    • Log in to your Canvas account in a web browser
    • Go to Account > Settings > New Access Token
    • Generate a new token and copy it
    • In the CanvasMD application, choose the "Settings" option from the main menu
    • Select "Save Token" and paste your access token when prompted
  3. Navigate through the menus using the arrow keys and press Enter to select an option.

Optional: Create a Direct Alias

To launch CanvasMD more conveniently, you can create an alias:

  1. Open your shell configuration file (e.g., ~/.bashrc, ~/.zshrc, or ~/.bash_profile)
  2. Add the following line, replacing /path/to/CanvasMD with the actual path to your CanvasMD directory:
    alias canvas='python3 /path/to/CanvasMD/canvasmd.py'
  3. Save the file and reload your shell configuration:
    source ~/.bashrc  # or ~/.zshrc, ~/.bash_profile, etc.
  4. Now you can launch CanvasMD from anywhere by simply typing canvas in your terminal

Why Use CanvasMD?

  1. Efficiency: Quickly access your courses and assignments without waiting for web pages to load.
  2. Distraction-Free: Focus on your tasks without the clutter of a full web interface.
  3. Terminal Integration: Seamlessly integrate Canvas interactions into your existing terminal workflow.
  4. Keyboard-Centric: Perfect for users who prefer keyboard navigation over mouse interactions.
  5. Low-Bandwidth: Ideal for situations where you have limited internet connectivity.


We welcome contributions to CanvasMD! Please feel free to submit issues, feature requests, or pull requests.

Happy Canvas-ing from your terminal!