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Set Reconcilliation #14

Closed AljoschaMeyer closed 1 year ago

AljoschaMeyer commented 1 year ago

Hi @b5 , this is the author of the range-based set reconciliation paper. Sorry about the odd choice of communication channel, but github was the only platform I could find where we both have accounts.

I saw your video summary of the paper, thank you for putting in the effort (and improving over the spartan tikz figures). I'm excited to see people considering this work, earthstar is another project that builds upon it. If you have any questions about the paper contents or beyond, I can probably make time for some synchronous or asynchronous communication. Feel free to contact me via email at researchataljoscha-meyerdotde. Also, feel free to delete this blatant misuse of the issue tracker.

Cheers, Aljoscha

AljoschaMeyer commented 1 year ago

Some quick points on the video:

b5 commented 1 year ago

👋 @AljoschaMeyer! I'm delighted to see that Gihub is our platform-in-common 😄.

Thank you so much for pointing out earthstar, and even more so for your detailed replies to specific points. Do you mind if I add your replies as a comment on the video itself & cite you? It'd be great to keep these notes in place others can find them.

I'd love to find some time to chat, and will reach out via your email address.

Thanks! Brendan