n0-computer / iroh.computer

iroh website
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The docs theme is based on the protocol tailwind theme, with a bunch of modifications. Protocol is a Tailwind UI site template built using Tailwind CSS and Next.js.

Getting started

You'll need node to run locally. To get started with this template, first install the npm dependencies:

npm install

Next, run the development server:

npm run dev

Finally, open http://localhost:3000 in your browser to view the website.

Editing docs content

Our docs are generated. Use the following steps to make adjustments to the content and update the website to match:

Style / grammar guide

Follow the style that has already been layed out. But as a general rule of thumb, follow normal English punctuation, but favor brevity over proper grammar. In other words, use capital letters at the start of sentences, and end them with a period, but sentences can be fragments if that gets the point across quicker.

Learn more

To learn more about the technologies used in this site template, see the following resources: