n1k0 / SublimeHighlight

A humble SublimeText package for exporting highlighted code as RTF or HTML
MIT License
788 stars 105 forks source link


Sublime Text 3 users: a python3 branch is also available. Just git checkout python3 from the root of your package installation to use in in ST3. If you upgrade from a previous ST2 installation or encounter problems with the package, please proceed as detailed below:

This SublimeText2 package allows to highlight & export currently edited code to HTML or RTF using Pygments.

Several commands are added to SublimeText2 when installed:

This latter command, Copy to clipboard as RTF, allows to copy and paste highlighted code from Sublime Tex 2 to other softwares like Powerpoint, Keynotes, Word, etc.



You can find a dedicated user settings file in the Preferences > Package Settings > SublimeHighlight menu where you can customize Pygments settings:

Sample Settings - User file:

    "theme": "monokai",
    "linenos": "inline",
    "noclasses": true,
    "fontface": "Menlo"

Check out the available options below.


You can choose the Pygments theme to use by setting the theme option:

    "theme": "vim"

Available themes are:

Here's a screenshot of what some example code looks like with different themes:

Themes Screenshot

Note: You can add your own pygments files by copying the _theme_.py to Packages/Highlight/pygments/styles, and adding your theme to the STYLES_MAP in SublimeHighlight/pygments/styles/__init__.py. Eg.:

# Maps style names to 'submodule::classname'.
    'default':  'default::DefaultStyle',
    'mytheme':  'mytheme::MyThemeStyle',

Line numbering

You can add line numbering by setting the linenos option:

    "linenos": "inline"

Accepted values for the linenos option are table, inline or false — the latter being the default.

Inline styling

You can set the rendered HTML code to use inline styles instead of CSS classes:

    "noclasses": true

Lexer options

SublimeHighlight supports Pygments lexer options. To set an option for a given lexer, eg. PHP:

    "lexer_options": {
        "PHP": {
            "startinline": true

Font face

You can set font face used in RTF output by using the fontface setting.

    "fontface": "Menlo"

Setting up shortcuts

This is a sample key binding for copying RTF highlighted code contents to your clipboard by pressing ctrl + alt + c:

    { "keys": ["ctrl+alt+c"],
      "command": "sublime_highlight",
      "args": { "target": "clipboard",
                "output_type": "rtf"

You can combine the target and output_type argument values to achieve the stuff you want. Possible values are:



Why this package?

Mostly for toying around with SublimeText2 plugin API (which is great), but also to ease the process of copying/pasting richly formatted code over softwares like Powerpoint, Word, Keynote and shits like that.


This software is released under the terms of the MIT license.