n27051538 / solaris_exporter

SPARC solaris exporter for Prometheus
MIT License
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alert ansible-role dashboard exporter grafana monitoring prometheus prometheus-exporter solaris solaris-exporter solaris-zones sparc



SPARC solaris exporter for Prometheus.
Written by Alexander Golikov for collecting SPARC Solaris metrics for Prometheus.
Tested on Solaris 11.3.25, 11.4.4, 11.4.41, 10u11(limited) SPARC.
Also work on x86 platform, community-tested with Openindiana (x86) (OI-hipster-minimal-20201031.iso) and Solaris10u11.


Provides info about:

Grafana dashboard.

Dashboard config is located in file grafana-dashboard-solaris.json
Pic1 Pic2


To use this exporter you need Python2.7 or Python3.x and its modules prometheus_client, psutil.

Solaris 10u11:

# Setup proxy vars to have access to internet  
    export http_proxy=http://proxy.example.com:3128  
    export https_proxy=http://proxy.example.com:3128  
# Install pkgutil  
    wget http://get.opencsw.org/now   
    pkgadd -d ./now   
# Update repo list  
    /opt/csw/bin/pkgutil -U  
# Install Python 2.7 or Python 3.3 (it works on both)  
    # Python 2.7 (preferred)  
        /opt/csw/bin/pkgutil -y -i python27  
        /opt/csw/bin/pkgutil -y -i python27_dev  
        /opt/csw/bin/pkgutil -y -i py_pip  
        /usr/sbin/pkgchk -L CSWpy-pip               # list installed files if you need  
    # or Python 3.3  
        /opt/csw/bin/pkgutil -y -i python33  
        /opt/csw/bin/pkgutil -y -i python33_dev  
        # pip3 is not included in pkgutil, we need to install it by hands  
        # download pip3.3 installer [https://bootstrap.pypa.io/pip/3.3/get-pip.py] and run it with python3.3  
        /opt/csw/bin/python3.3 get-pip.py  
# Install gcc5core  
    /opt/csw/bin/pkgutil -y -i gcc5core  
# Install Python module prometheus_client  
    # Python 2.7  
        /opt/csw/bin/pip2.7 install prometheus_client==0.7.1
        # Note than current versions of prometheus_client (0.14.1 +) for some reasons not works with Python 2.7, 
        # that is why I fixed its version to 0.7.1, it is tested.                      
    # or Python 3.3  
        /opt/csw/bin/pip3.3 install prometheus_client  
# Install Python module psutil, it have to compile some libs, but we preinstalled all that needed  
    ln -s /opt/csw/bin/gcc-5.5 /opt/csw/bin/gcc-5.2  
    # Python 2.7  
        # note that the latest version of psutil not supports Python2.7,  
        # that is why version of psutil is fixed to '5.7.0'  
            /opt/csw/bin/pip2.7 install psutil==5.7.0  
    # or Python 3.3  
        /opt/csw/bin/pip3.3 install psutil  
# Run exporter, check http://ip:9100  
    # Python 2.7  
    export LANG=C  
    /opt/csw/bin/python2.7 solaris_exporter.py  
    # or Python 3.3  
    export LANG=C  
    /opt/csw/bin/python3.3 solaris_exporter.py  

Solaris 11.4.4 (this way works with Python 2.7):

# Setup proxy vars to have access to internet  
    export http_proxy=http://proxy.example.com:3128  
    export https_proxy=http://proxy.example.com:3128  
# Install Python 2.7 module prometheus_client  
    pip-2.7 install prometheus_client==0.7.1
    # Note than current versions of prometheus_client (0.14.1 +) for some reasons not works with Python 2.7, 
    # that is why I fixed its version to 0.7.1, it is tested.  
# Install Python 2.7 module psutil, it have to compile some libs  
# Also you could get psutil for Python 2.7 via 'pkg install library/python/psutil-27',  
# but it returns wrong Network statistics, tested from Solaris 11.4.4 repo.  
# The latest version of psutil not supports Python2.7, that is why version of psutil is fixed on '5.7.0'  
    pkg install pkg:/developer/gcc/gcc-c-5  
    ln -s /usr/bin/gcc /usr/bin/cc  
    export CFLAGS=-m32  
    pip-2.7 install psutil==5.7.0  
    # if you have troubles with compilation, try to switch to gcc-c-9 and Python 3.7   
# Run exporter, check http://ip:9100  
    export LANG=C  
    python2.7 solaris_exporter.py  

Solaris 11.4.41 (this way works with Python 3.7):

# Setup proxy vars to have access to internet  
        export http_proxy=http://proxy.example.com:3128  
        export https_proxy=http://proxy.example.com:3128  
# Install Python 3.7 module prometheus_client  
        pip-3.7 install prometheus_client  
        # tested with version 0.13.1, to install this version you may run
        # pip-3.7 install prometheus_client==0.13.1
# Install Python 3.7 module psutil  
# Also you could get psutil for Python 3.7 via 'pkg install library/python/psutil-37',  
# but its old version '5.6.7' not adapted for Sol11.4.41 changes, fails at 'swap -l' output, have network dev inaccuracy. 
# The best way is to install actual version of psutil (tested on '5.9.0')   
    pkg install pkg:/developer/gcc/gcc-c-9  
    ln -s /usr/bin/gcc /usr/bin/cc  
    pip-3.7 install psutil==5.9.0  
# Run exporter, check http://ip:9100  
    export LANG=C  
    python3.7 solaris_exporter.py  

SMF, Roles, Deployment.

Prometheus configuration

   - 'alerts.solaris.yml'
  - job_name: 'solaris_exporter'
    scrape_interval: 60s
    scrape_timeout:  50s
    metrics_path: /
    scheme: http
      - files:
        - 'inventory/static/hosts.yml'
        - 'inventory/static/hosts/*.yml'
        - 'inventory/dynamic/solaris/*.yml'
      - source_labels: [os]                      #force this job if os label is 'solaris'
        regex: '^solaris.*'
        target_label: jobs
        replacement: solaris_exporter
      - source_labels: [jobs]                    #pick up config if it has 'solaris_exporter' in comma-separated list in label 'jobs', drop if not
        regex: '(.*,|^)solaris_exporter(,.*|$)'
        action: keep
      - regex: '^jobs$'                          #drop unused label 'jobs'
        action: labeldrop
      - source_labels: [__address__]             #save ip address into 'ip' label
        regex: '(.*)(:.*)?'
        replacement: '$1'
        target_label: ip
      - source_labels: [__address__]             #add port if it is absent in target, save ip:port to '__param_target' label
        regex: (.*)(:.*)?
        replacement: ${1}:9100
        target_label: __param_target
      - source_labels: [__param_target]          #copy '__param_target' label to 'instance' label
        target_label: instance
      - source_labels: [__param_target]          #copy '__param_target' label to '__address__' label
        target_label: __address__