n8e / frodo-cms

Angular v1.7, NodeJS, Express, MongoDB, Travis CI, Coveralls, Google Cloud Platform
MIT License
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angular express google-cloud-platform less mongodb mongoose node

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Document Management System (Material Design, Materialize CSS, Bootstrap Material Design, Node, Express, Mongo)


The models contained are users, documents and roles. A document belongs to a User and is related to them using the ownerId. A Role is related to the User using the id field. Each Document has restrictions on the roles. A Role also relates to the Document using the title.


Back end testing is done using the superagent node module which is installed via npm when you install all the other node modules in package.json. superagent is used to make requests to the api routes and receive responses. The tests are run on terminal using the command:

jasmine-node tests/ --verbose

Front end testing is done using karma and sinon to test the angular controllers, services and filters. Circle ci is deployed as the testing environment. The mongo database is set up on its ubuntu server and the tests are run on it once all the dependencies are installed (npm install and bower install need to run). Once gulp and karma are installed globally then the tests are run by the command npm test defined in the package.json.

Express Routes

The routes are created using express routers. The server needs to be started using the terminal command nodemon server.js. Our server file is called server.js. The routes are defined in the ./server/routes/api.js file.

Mongo Database

One needs an installation of Mongodb locally. Our database is called docms. We connect to it using the configurations in ./server/config/config.js file.

'database': 'mongodb://localhost/docms',

This line in particular is needed. To use this database throughout the run-time of the application, one needs to run the command mongod on the terminal. The database needs to be dropped first, before the tests are run. It is dropped in the express server by the command:

mongoose.connection.db.dropDatabase(function(err) {
  if (err) {
    return err;
  } else {
    console.log('Dropped database');
    (function() {

Front End

The front end is built using Angular, Material CSS, Bootstrap-Material-Design and Materialize.