nabil-boag / angular-multimocks

Tools for managing mock data scenarios in AngularJS applications.
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Angular Multimocks

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Angular Multimocks lets you test how your app behaves with different responses from an API.

Angular Multimocks allows you to define sets of mock API responses for different scenarios as JSON files. A developer of an e-commerce app could set up scenarios for a new customer, one who is registered and one who has an order outstanding.

Angular Multimocks allows you to switch between scenarios using a query string parameter:


You can use Angular Multimocks to quickly test your app works in all situations while developing or to provide mock data for a suite of automated acceptance tests.

Example Use Case

You have an application which calls to to get a list of items in the customer's shopping cart. You'd like to be able to easily switch between different API responses so that you can test the various use cases. You may want responses for the following:

Scenario URL
Shopping cart is empty /cart?scenario=emptyCart
Shopping cart with a quick buy option /cart?scenario=quickBuyCart
Shopping cart with out of stock items /cart?scenario=outOfStockCart

Demo App

See app/src/demo/ for a demo app. Inside the demo app, run grunt to generate the mocks, then open index.html in your browser.



npm install --save angular-multimocks

Include angular-multimocks.js or angular-multimocks.min.js in your application:

<script src=""></script>


Angular Multimocks depends on Angular Mocks so include it in your application. For example:

<script src=""></script>

Add the scenario module to your application:

  .module('demo', ['scenario'])
  // more code here...

Mock Format

Resource files look like this:

  "httpMethod": "GET",
  "statusCode": 200,
  "uri": "/customer/cart",
  "response": {
    "id": "foo"

The uri property defines the URI that is being mocked in your application and can contain a regex:

"uri": "/customer/\\d*/cart"

Delayed responses

In some scenarios you may want to simulate a server/network delay. This is done by intercepting the HTTP response and delaying it. Mocks accept an optional responseDelay property that will delay the HTTP response for the specified time in milliseconds:

"responseDelay": 500

The manifest file mockResources.json defines the available scenarios and describes which version of each resource should be used for each scenario.

  "_default": [
  "loggedIn": [

All scenarios inherit resources defined in _default unless they provide an override. Think of _default as the base class for scenarios.

The example above defines 2 scenarios _default and loggedIn. loggedIn has the default versions of the root and orders resources, but overrides account, using the version in account/loggedIn.json.

Global delay override

You can override all delays in a request by adding an optional parameter to the query string.


Generating Mocks

Angular Multimocks provides Grunt and Gulp tasks that will compile resources into an AngularJS module definition. Adding these tasks to your build process will help to generate mocks after making changes.

Install the module using npm:

npm install --save-dev angular-multimocks

Grunt task

Add it to your Grunt configuration:

// load the task

// configuration for scenarios
  multimocks: {
    myApp: {
      src: 'mocks',
      dest: 'build/multimocks.js',
      template: 'myTemplate.tpl' // optional
  // other config here...

Gulp task

// Load the gulp task
var multimocksGulp = require('angular-multimocks/app/package/tasks/gulp/multimocksGulp');

// Define multimocks
gulp.task('multimocks', function () {
  // Call the multimocks gulp task with apropriate configuration
    src: 'mocks',
    dest: 'mocks/multimocks.js'

Once either the Gulp or Grunt task is run, build/multimocks.js will be generated containing all your mock data. Include that in your app:

<script src=""></script>

Output Scenarios In Multiple Files

If the generated build/multimocks.js is too large, you may experience memory issues when running your application.

You can choose to build multiple files, one for each scenario by specifying multipleFiles: true and dest as a directory.

Your Grunt configuration should look something like:

// load the task

// configuration for scenarios
multimocks: {
  myApp: {
    src: 'mocks',
    dest: 'build/multimocks',
    multipleFiles: true,
    template: 'myTemplate.tpl' // optional

When the task is run a file will be generated for each scenario. Include all the generated files in your app:

<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>

Task options

HAL Plugin

If your API conforms to HAL, Angular Multimocks can generate links for you to speed development.

Enable the plugin in your Gruntfile.js:

multimocks: {
  myApp: {
    src: 'mocks',
    dest: 'build/multimocks',
    plugins: ['hal']

Organise your mock response files into a file structure with a directory for each resource, e.g.:

├── account
│   ├── loggedIn.json
│   └── anonymous.json
├── orders
│   └── _default.json
├── root
│   └── _default.json
└── mockResources.json

Angular Multimocks will add a _links object to each response with all the known resources declared as available links:

  "httpMethod": "GET",
  "statusCode": 200,
  "response": {
    "id": "foo",
    "_links": {
      "root": {
        "rel": "root",
        "method": "GET",
        "href": ""
      "account": {
        "rel": "account",
        "method": "GET",
        "href": ""
      "orders": {
        "rel": "orders",
        "method": "GET",
        "href": ""

A uri will be generated for each resource. This value is used for the href field of each object in _links.


Angular Multimocks also declares a provider, multimocksDataProvider, which allows you to set mock data by passing an object to the setMockData method.

multimocksDataProvider also gives you the ability to overwrite the default headers returned by Angular Multimocks. Below we're setting the headers to specify that the content type is HAL JSON.

.config(['mutimocksDataProvider', function (multimocksDataProvider) {
    'Content-Type': 'application/hal+json'


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