nacayu / CRFNet_Tensorflow2.4.1

Reproduce CRFNet official implementation on windows10, tensorflow2.4.1
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deep-learning keras neural-network object-detection tensorflow

The project

This project is modified from : and

Process of training

This code is tested by us, and there are some problems in the process of installing:

  1. because the keras2.24 is not compatible with tensorflow2.4.1, when we run "python build_ext --inplace", there might be a problem named module ‘tensorflow’ has no attribute ‘get_default_graph’
  2. attributeError: module 'tensorflow.python.framework.ops' has no attribute TensorLike
  3. can‘t pickle Environment objects & Ran out of input

The corresponding answers are here:

  1. replace "import tensorflow as tf" with the following:

    import tensorflow._api.v2.compat.v1 as tf

    on the top of the error file.

  2. find keras/ Add the following line somewhere at the top amongst the other imports: "from tensorflow.python.types import core as core_tf_types" Find the line that returns the error and replace it with this: "return isinstance(x, core_tf_types.Tensor) or tf_ops.is_dense_tensor_like(x)"

  3. Because of the Windows operating system, in Windows, multiprocessing multiprocessing uses serialized pickle to transfer data between multiple processes, and socket objects cannot be serialized, but it is no problem on the Linux operating system, because Multiprocessing on linux uses fork, so on windows you can use multithreading instead,so we must change the num_workers == 0

  4. When your git clone this repo, you should then change the main folder name to "crfnet",or you might meet a problem when your run "python" named "can not found crfnet" although you have run command "pip install -e . & python build_ext --inplace"

Mark:Their works had many problem:

  1. Training with increasing system memory.
  2. Can not load multi-gpus for training.
    • the main reasion might be my enviroment issues,and issues no.1 are because of tensorflow official problem they had claimed.
    • about other question on windows10 you can take a issues.

Followings are of paper's autor works

CRF-Net for Object Detection (Camera and Radar Fusion Network)

Radar Augmented Image Example

This repository provides a neural network for object detection based on camera and radar data. It builds up on the work of Keras RetinaNet. The network performs a multi-level fusion of the radar and camera data within the neural network. The network can be tested on the nuScenes dataset, which provides camera and radar data along with 3D ground truth information.



Install system wide packages:

All required python packages can be installed with the crfnet pip package. We recommend to install the package in its own virtual environment. To install, run the following commands in the repository folder (crfnet).

CRF-Net Usage

The network uses camera and radar inputs to detect objects. It can be used with the nuScenes dataset and extended to other radar and camera datasets. The nuScenes dataset can be downloaded here. Pretrained weights are provided here (270MB).

Start Training

  1. Create your desired configuration for the CRF-Net. Start by making a copy of the default_config
  2. Execute python This will train a model on a given dataset specified in the configs. The result will be stored in saved_models and the logs in tb_logs.
    • --config <path to your config> to use your config. Per default the config file found at ./configs/local.cfg is used.

Example usage:

python --config configs/crf_net.cfg

Evaluate Model

  1. Execute python to calculate the precision and recall values for a model on the data specified in the config file. The values and curves are saved onto the hard drive.
    • --config <path to your config> show the path of training config.
    • --model <path to model> model file saved from prior training
    • --st <score trehshold> select a custom threshold at which predictions are considered as positive.
    • --render to show images with predicted bounding boxes during execution
    • --eval_from_detection_pickle to load saved detection files from the hard drive instead of running the model to evaluate it.

Example usage:

python --model saved_models/crf_net.h5 --config configs/crf_net.cfg --st 0.5

Test Model

  1. Execute python to run a inference model on the data specified in the config file.
    • --config <path to your config> show the path of training config.
    • --model <path to model> model file saved from prior training
    • --st <score trehshold> select a custom threshold at which predictions are considered as positive.
    • --render to show images with predicted bounding boxes during execution
    • --no_radar_visualization suppresses the radar data in the visualization
    • --inference to run the network on all samples (not only the labeled ones, only TUM camra dataset)

Example usage:

python --model saved_models/crf_net.h5 --config configs/crf_net.cfg --st 0.5

Folder Structure

All main scripts depend on the following subfolders:

  1. configs folder contains the config files. All the settings for the main scripts are described in this file. A default.cfg (configs/default.cfg) shows an exemplary config file. It is recommended to give each configuration a unique name, as models and tensorboard logs are also named after it.

  2. data_processing folder contains all functions for preprocessing before the neural network. Data fusion functions are placed in this folder. VIsualization of the generated radar augmented image (RAI) is provided by the generator script for the corresponding data set.

  3. model folder contains all the neural network models that can be used. Based on RetinaNet, architectures that fuse camera and radar data at the feature extractor or the FPN are stored here.

  4. utils utils folder contains helper functions that are needed in many places in this repository.


File Description Used to train the CRF-Net. Used to evaluate a trained CRF-Net model on the validation set. Used to test a trained CRF-Net model on the test set. This script can be used to record videos.
Dockerfile Dockerfile to setup the environment.
requirements.txt Contains the requirements for the scripts in this repository Installs the requirements for this repository and registers this repository in the python modules

Usage Docker Image

The use of the docker image is optional. It is tested on a Ubuntu 16.04 host system.

  1. Build the docker container via

    docker build --tag crfnet .

  2. Start the docker using GPU 0 and the container name crfnet_gpu0 via

    1. Specify dataset dir: export HOST_DATA_DIR=<HOST_DATA_DIR>
    2. Specify log dir: export HOST_LOG_DIR=<HOST_LOG_DIR>
    3. Specify saved models dir: export HOST_MODEL_DIR=<HOST_MODEL_DIR>
    4. Start container: docker run -it --net=host --gpus '"device=0"' -e USERID=$UID -v $HOST_DATA_DIR:/data/nuscenes -v $HOST_LOG_DIR:/CRFN/crfnet/tb_logs -v $HOST_MODEL_DIR:/CRFN/crfnet/saved_models -e DISPLAY=$DISPLAY --name crfnet_gpu0 crfnet
  3. The repository is located at /CRFN/crfnet inside the docker and already installed when building the docker. Inside the docker, you start the training with python3 and specify your config file as usual: python3 --config configs/crf_net.cfg Additionally you can connect to it via docker attach crfnet_gpu0


[1] M. Geisslinger, "Autonomous Driving: "Object Detection using Neural Networks for Radar and Camera Sensor Fusion," Master's Thesis, Technical University of Munich, 2019

[2] M. Weber, "Autonomous Driving: Radar Sensor Noise Filtering and Multimodal Sensor Fusion for Object Detection with Artificial Neural Networks," Master’s Thesis, Technical University of Munich, 2019.

If you find our work useful in your research, please consider citing:

    author={Nobis, Felix and Geisslinger, Maximilian and Weber, Markus and Betz, Johannes and Lienkamp, Markus},
    title={A Deep Learning-based Radar and Camera Sensor Fusion Architecture for Object Detection},
    booktitle={2019 Sensor Data Fusion: Trends, Solutions, Applications (SDF)},