Open jeff7091 opened 9 years ago
The McCalendar (and the xml) is coming in without response requested set. The McEmailMessage (and xml) has the response requested.
I created the meeting request in o365. The response requested checkbox is checked.
Accepting in the message using gfe doesn't show the acceptance on o365. Accepting in the calendar is not processed because a meeting request is not requested. It's ignored.
I can't get GFE to send meeting responses. When Nacho Mail sends a response, which happens when you accept from the meeting invite message, the GFE server seems to swallow the message and never forwards it on to the organizer. When I accept the meeting from the web UI, no response is sent to the organizer. I don't know if there is anything we can do about this, but I was planning to look into it when I tackle all the various GFE oddities.
I am pretty sure there is no quick fix, so this should not be BETANEXT.
If Mr. GFE accepts the meeting, Mr. GFE gets an updated McCalendar (xml) updating his status to Accept.
And finally, O365 does not update its status when I accept an O365 invite using gmail or gcalendar. O365 is gmail/gcal are nac02.
hold onto this for now.
because ResponseRequestedIsSet is false, we never send the response email.