nachocove / NachoClientX

Xamarin (C#) Client
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Nacho Mail is a Xamarin/C# email application capable of ActiveSync and IMAP and targeted for enterprise customers.

NachoClientX houses nearly all of the client application code, including:

Development Environment

Installing Visual Studio

To setup a deveopment environment, you'll need Visual Studio Community Edition.

When installing Visual Studio, be sure to include:

Configuring Android SDK

Next up is configuring the Android SDK.

  1. Open Visual Studio
  2. Go to Tools > SDK Manager
  3. Select the following under Platforms (as of June 2018, if not installed, Visual Studio will prompt to install on project open)
    • Android SDK Platform 25 (aka Android 7.1 Nougat)
    • Android SDK Platform 19 (aka Android 4.4 KitKat)
    • Android SDK Platform 15 (aka Android 4.0.3 Ice Cream Sandwich)
    • Android SDK Platform 10 (aka Android 2.3 Gingerbread)
  4. Select the following under Tools (most should already be checked, but verify each)
    • Android SDK Tools
    • Android SDK Platform Tools
    • Android SDK Build Tools 25.0.2*
    • Android Emulator
    • NDK
    • Extras > Android Support Repository

* Version is hard-coded by TokenAutoComplete, would be nice to remove exact version dependency

Configuring your env

A few build scripts need to know where the android NDK is (TODO: see if we can elimiate this requirment).

So, add something like the following line to your .bash_profile or .bashrc file:

export NDK=/Users/yourname/Library/Developer/Xamarin/android-sdk-macosx/ndk-bundle

This is a typical location where Visual Studio installs the android ndk, but it may not be correct for all installations. Be sure to find the path yourself.

Getting all other repositories

NachoClientX depends on several other git repositories for supporting code, mostly forks of third-party packages.

To get all the other repositories, run:

NachoClientX $ scripts/ clone

Development Builds

Development builds of Nacho Mail are done entirely in Visual Studio. Using the target selector in the top left of the toolbar, choose either NachoClient.iOS or NachoClient.Android in the first segment, then choose Debug in the second segment, then choose your device in the final segment. Press Run and a build will begin, with the app launching on your device upon build completion.

Release Builds

Release builds are done from the command line only using the script, such as:

NachoClientX $ scripts/ store 3.5.0 710

There are three arguments to the script:

  1. kind - alpha, beta, or store; Nacho Mail will use different names, icons, and configurations depending on the kind
  2. version - Typically an MAJOR.MINOR.BUGFIX version string
  3. number - A number that should increment on each build

While not necessary, it is recommended to do a build from a clean set of repositories. The only setup you need is a clean clone of NachoClientX in an empty folder. The build script will take care cloning all the other repos.

$ git clone
$ NachoClientX/scripts/ ...

Build Output

When run with the default arguments, the script will result in four outputs:

  1. iOS .xarchive - The Xcode-compatible archive, which can be used to re-export the exact build by hand using different signing options
  2. iOS .ipa - The iOS app bundle suitable for distribution
  3. Android unsigned .apk - The unsigned Android app bundle used by clients that want to re-sign the app
  4. Android signed .apk - The signed Android app bundle suitable for distribution

Release Branching

Each minor release (e.g., 3.5) gets is own branch, and bugfix releases (e.g., 3.5.0 and 3.5.1) are typically built off of that single 3.5 branch. The script will automatically create this branch during the first build of a new minor version.

Every repository will be branched.

If needed, you can use to create a branch just for a bugfix release, but this should only be necessary if two bugfix releases are being worked on simultaneously. will recognize a bugfix relase branch if present and will choose it over the minor release branch.

Build Tagging

Every build results in each repository being tagged with the build version and number.