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Week 11 Review Ticket - Bria #62

Open B-G101 opened 2 years ago

B-G101 commented 2 years ago

Final Score: 9.7/10 (Evaluated by Rebecca Su)

-0.1 for no deployment

Individual Evaluation: 9.2/10 Comments: 5/5 on create task part and 4.2 on the team evaluation because there were some important things that we were lacking like the scss and the blueprint.

Create Task Evaluation: 5/5

Evaluation: Design idea and alignment to CollegeBoard requirements mentioned (ie storing data in list, purpose of algorithm)

Evaluation: Feature makes sense and aligns with PBL of website for prospective DN students

Evaluation: Program contains JS algorithms

Evaluation: Clear answers to all questions, code included

Evaluation: Video is clear and shows full functionality of program, clear result of user input and output

PBL Team Evaluation: 4.8/5

Evaluation: PBL outline and purpose clearly explained, includes wireframes

Evaluation: Sassy attempted but isn't actually used in base.html

Evaluation: Blueprint created and then registered here

Evaluation: Async CRUD Database implemented

Evaluation: MVC commits shown in database work

Runtime Features shown in 1 min video

Evaluation: Completed tasks shown, next time maybe click into an issue to show example of Github tangibles