nadirahaddach / 4Gs

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Team 4Gs

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Scrum Board

Project Purpose

Description of our project and its purpose


Contributor Github ID/Profile Assigned Tasks Commits Pair Journal
Bria B-G101 Tasks Commits Bria and Jessie Journal
Nadira nadirahaddach Tasks Commits Nadira and Paige Journal
Paige paigemccartin Tasks Commits Nadira and Paige Journal
Jessie parkjessie Tasks Commits Bria and Jessie Journal

Table of Contents

  1. Week 0
  2. Week 1
  3. Week 2
  4. Week 3
  5. Week 4

    Week 4: Project Review

Assigned Role Person Assigned Tasks for the Week Commits/Evidence of Completion
Scrum Master Nadira 1. []()
2. []()
3. []()
GitHub Admin Bria 1. []()
Primary Designer Paige 1. []()
2. [](
3. [)
Deployment Manager Jessie 1. []()
2. []()
3. [Service Config]()
4. []()
Technical Officer Bria 1. []()

Week 3: WIP Project Review

Assigned Role Person Assigned Tasks for the Week Commits/Evidence of Completion
Scrum Master Nadira overview of progress using GitHub README, Tickets (Completed and Backlog), and Wiki. Show expected backlog when returning from Winter Break. 1. sports page
2. extends base
3. Project Description
GitHub Admin Bria highlighting issue, commits, and pull requests completed by each individual. 1. link to commits
Primary Designer Paige showing Bootstrap layouts, and at least 3 frontend screens with functionality toward Project Theme 1. homepage/clubpage/changes to images
2. paige adds images!
3. paige codes again
Deployment Manager Jessie showing Web Site running from URL (https), and demonstrating the process to perform an update. 1. Updated procedure
2. Nginx Config
3. Service Config
4. Individual page jessie
Technical Officer Bria highlighting Asynchronous access(es) to a Database (expectation is a Search and/or a CRUD operations). 1. crud working yayayay, started wrking on the counselors search page

Week 2: Home Pages

Assigned Role Person Assigned Tasks for the Week Commits/Evidence of Completion
Scrum Master Nadira About Me Page 1. nadira.html
2. Scrum Board Policies
3. Project Description
GitHub Admin Bria About Me Page 1. made bria about me consistant with the design standards
Primary Designer Paige About Me Page 1. fixed base
3. paige improved
Deployment Manager Jessie About Me Page, Deployment wiki 1. individual page jessie
Technical Officer Bria Ideas for Technicals 1. Brainstorming for 10-15 technical ideas

Week 1: Project Approval

Assigned Role Person Assigned Tasks for the Week Commits/Evidence of Completion
Scrum Master Nadira About Me Page, Scrum Board Policies, Ideas for Technicals 1. nadira.html
2. Scrum Board Policies
3. Project Description
GitHub Admin Bria About Me Page, Github Policies, Ideas for Technicals 1. updated my about me page
2. GitHub Policies and Contributing Guidelines
Primary Designer Paige About Me Page, Wireframes, Brainwrite, Ideas for Technicals 1. paige 1
2. paiges page
Deployment Manager Jessie About Me Page, Deployment wiki, Ideas for Technicals 1. About me page
2. Deployment wiki
Technical Officer Bria Ideas for Technicals 1. Brainstorming for 10-15 technical ideas

Week 0: Organize and Design

Assigned Role Person Assigned Tasks for the Week Commits/Evidence of Completion
Scrum Master Nadira About Me Page, Scrum Board Policies 1. navbar dropdown
2. about me page
3. Scrum Board Policies
4. Project Description
GitHub Admin Bria About Me Page, Github Policies 1. updated base and changed bria about me page
2. change formatting of static a little bit, added api to my page, added the mask on mask off feature
3. finished api and fixed formatting on my about me page
4. GitHub Policies and Contributing Guidelines
Primary Designer Paige About Me Page, Wireframes, Brainwrite 1. paige
2. paige
3. 2.0 paige
4. Brainwrite
5. Wireframes
Deployment Manager Jessie About Me Page, Wireframe, Brainwrite 1. changed jessie about me page
2. wireframe counseling page
3. Brainwrite
Technical Officer Bria No tasks for the week


Starter code should be fun and practical.

Visual thoughts

Organize with Bootstrap menu

Add some color and fun through VANTA Visuals (birds, halo, solar, net)

Show some practical and fun links (hrefs) like Twitter, Git, Youtube

Show project specific links (hrefs) per page

Implementation progress (August 13th, 2021)

Project entry point is, this enables Flask Web App and provides capability to renders templates (HTML files)

The is the Web Server Gateway Interface, essentially it contains a HTTP route and HTML file relationship. The Python code constructs WSGI relationships for index, kangaroos, walruses, and hawkers.

The project structure contains many directories and files. The template directory (containing html files) and static directory (containing js files) are common standards for HTML coding. Static files can be pictures and videos, in this project they are mostly javascript backgrounds.

WSGI templates: index.html, kangaroos.html, ... are aligned with routes in

Other templates support WSGI templates. The base.html template contains common Head, Style, Body, Script definitions. WSGI templates often "include" or "extend" these templates. This is a way to reuse code.

The VANTA javascript statics (backgrounds) are shown and defaulted in base.html (birds), but are block replaced as needed in other templates (solar, net, ...)

The Bootstrap Navbar code is in navbar.html. The base.html code includes navbar.html. The WSGI html files extend base.html files. This is a process of management and correlation to optimize code management. For instance, if the menu changes discovery of navbar.html is easy, one change reflects on all WSGI html files.

The base.html uses combination of Bootstrap grid styling and custom CSS styling. Grid styling in observe with the "" markers. A Bootstrap Grid has a width of 12, thus four "Col-3" markers could fit on a Grid row.

A key purpose of this project is to embed links to other content. The "href=" definition embeds hyperlinks into the rendered HTML. The base.html file shows usage of "href={{github}}", the "{{github}}" is a Jinja2 variable. Jinja2 variables are pre-processed by Python, a variable swap with value, before being sent to the browser.

IDE management (things that happened beyond plan)

Recall on ".gitignore" solution to the pains of temporary files. Start a ".gitignore" and avoid promoting temporary files to Git, for instance IDE xml files.

A project needs to establish a "requirements.txt" to keep track of Python packages used by the project. This help in other IDEs and Deployment. IntelliJ has menu Tool -> Sync Python Requirements to start file.