nafiserb / ESpinS

GNU General Public License v3.0
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ESpinS - Esfahan Spin Simulation package

Package for classical Monte-Carlo simulation of spin systems. In ESpinS, the spin model hamiltonian of a spin system can be defined through the Heisenberg exchange, bi-quadratic, Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya, and single-ion interactions. Spin configurations can be updated through either local Metropolis updating or parallel tempering.

If you are using this software, please cite

Nafise Rezaei, Mojtaba Alaei, Hadi Akbarzadeh, ESpinS: A program for classical Monte-Carlo simulations of spin systems, Computational Materials Science, 202, 110947 (2022).


The package requires the following software:


is an easy way to have all the necessary packages.


git clone
cd ESpinS

In the case that compilation process encounters errors, please edit make.sys file. For more information about installation please see user-guide.


Created and maintained by Nafise Rezaei (Physics Department, Isfahan University of Technology, Isfahan, Iran)

With contributions by