naftalimurgor / bitgesell-arm

Docker image that runs the Bitgesell node on any ARM-based devices (such as RaspberryPI) without having to compile Bitgesell Core from the source for target ARM architecture.
MIT License
2 stars 1 forks source link
bitcoin bitgesell bitgesell-linux blockchain

bgld for ARM and embedded Devices

Docker image that runs the Bitgesell node on any ARM-based devices (such as RaspberryPI) without having to compile Bitgesell Core from the source for target ARM architecture.


Setup Docker on Raspberry PI 4

Really Fast Quick Start (Requires QEMU/KVM to build on non-ARM CPUs)

To get started off quickly,from your Raspberry PI 4, pull the image from DockerHub:

docker pull naftalimurgor/bgld-arm

Run bgld-arm instance on your Raspberry PI

 docker run -dp 8454:8454 naftalimurgor/bgld-arm

One liner on Raspberry PI 4 running Ubuntu 20.04 LTS, with JSON-RPC enabled on localhost and adds upstart init script:

curl | sh

Quick Start

Note to build this Image(and run it of course) you will need to setup Virtual Box or VMWare player:

  1. Run an instance of Bitegesell node as follows:

    docker run -dp 8454:8454 naftalimurgor/bgld-arm
  2. Verify that the container is running and bgld-arm node is downloading the blockchain

    $ docker ps
    CONTAINER ID   IMAGE                COMMAND   CREATED         STATUS         PORTS                                                 NAMES
    304e5a74a539   naftalimurgor/bgld-arm   "bgld-arm"    5 seconds ago   Up 3 seconds>8454/tcp, :::8454->8454/tcp, 8455/tcp   naughty_greider
  3. You can then access the daemon's output thanks to the docker logs command

    docker logs -f bgld-arm
  4. Install optional init scripts for upstart and systemd are in the init directory.
