This project is not actively maintained. No support for additional boards will be added.
At the time of writing OpenRGB is actively maintained and supports variety of devices, including MSI boards with code adapted from this project. Just use that. If it doesn’t work, this tool won’t work either. If it doesn’t support functionality this tool does, consider porting similar functionality to OpenRGB.
Utility for controlling RGB header on MSI boards
This utility not only works on any linux system you find around, it also is much more flexible than the 7 colours MSI’s own Gaming App. Futhermore, unlike the MSI’s utility, this does not make your system vulnerable to anybody who cares to fiddle around the system.
To compile this project you’ll need rustc and cargo. Get them at your package manager or here.
git clone
cd msi-rgb
cargo build --release
You’ll need root to run this program:
sudo ./target/release/msi-rgb 00000000 FFFFFFFF 00000000 # for green
The hexa numbers represent each color as a sequence in time per byte so 4 change of colors.
sudo ./target/release/msi-rgb FF000000 00FF0000 0000FF00 # this makes red then green then blue then off then red etc..
Run following for more options:
./target/release/msi-rgb -h
sudo ./target/release/msi-rgb 206487a9 206487a9 10325476 -ir -ig -ib -d 5
sudo ./target/release/msi-rgb -d15 FF00FF00 0 00FF00FF
sudo ./target/release/msi-rgb 58e01c0d 504fdcb9 e4aa75eb --blink 2 -d 32
echo -e "import colorsys, time, subprocess\ni=0\nwhile True:\n['target/release/msi-rgb', '-d511'] + list(map(lambda x: ('{0:01x}'.format(int(15*x)))*8, colorsys.hsv_to_rgb((i % 96.0) / 96.0, 0.9, 1))))\n time.sleep(0.1)\n i+=1" | sudo python -
For implementation details, including the registers used by super I/O and their meanings see the
comment in the src/
Code is licensed under the permissive ISC license. If you create derivative works and/or nice RGB schemes, I would love to see them :)