naher94 /

A little bit about me and my work. Enjoy! πŸŽ‰βœˆοΈπŸŒπŸ“·πŸ§
7 stars 4 forks source link
design jekyll portfolio responsive ui ux webdev

Hello & Welcome! πŸ‘‹

You have found the readme for the codebase. Feel free to explore the code and see how my site is built.

I use Jekyll as my static site templating engine and Foundation for Site as my CSS and JS framework. Current using Version 6.6.3

Curious how the site has evolved over time? Check out the releases over the years. Pretty fun to time travel! Like my own personal waybackmachine. πŸ˜‰

Production Notes

Run Jekyll with --livereload automatically refresh the page with each change you make to the source files jekyll s --livereload or --port 4500 to run a couple Jekyll sites in parallel. When using --livereload for concurrent sites make sure to set a port for --livereload like jekyll s --livereload --livereload-port 8080 --port 4001

Jekyll uses the Kramdown markdown parser allowing for extended functionality, such as adding classes to elements.

Jekyll also uses the Liquid language as its templating language. Here are a couple great references:

Content Notes



Dribbble Share Links

<a href="">My Website</a> | <a href="">Twitter</a> | <a href="">Instagram</a> | <a href="">500px</a> | <a href="">Pinterest</a> | <a href="">Github</a>

.MOV to .MP4

ffmpeg -i -vcodec h264 demo.mp4 Convert .mov to .mp4 on a Mac

Development Notes


Code Snippets are helpful in populating common sections such as a resource's frontmatter. For information on available option within a VSCode Snippets reference their development documentation.

External Links

2D Array Hack

In some cases using a 2D array is cleaner and easier than setting up a collection. Even though its not formally supported in Liquid it is possible with this hack.

  1. Create a string with 2 sets of unique dividing characters in the case below , and |
  2. Assign and split that string to generate an array
  3. Loop through that array to generate the 2nd degree element
  4. Use that content of the 2nd degree element!
  5. Done!
    {% assign array-list = "(A|B|C),(D|E|F),(H|I|J)" | remove: "(" | remove: ")" | split: ',' %}
    {% for item in array-list %}
    {% assign each = item | split: '|' %}
    {% endfor %}
<!-- example from -->
<!-- devices -->
<div class="devices cell grid-x">
  <div class="cell">
    <h3>Device breakdown</h3>
  {% assign device-list = "(πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡Έ|73%|Desktop),(πŸ‡¨πŸ‡³|26%|Mobile),(πŸ‡©πŸ‡ͺ|1%|Tablet)" | remove: "(" | remove: ")" | split: ',' %}

  {% for device in device-list %}
  {% assign each = device | split: '|' %}
  <div class="cell small-6 medium-4 device-container">
    <div class="device-wrapper">
      <p class="flag">{{each[0]}}</p>
      <p class="percentage">{{each[1]}}</p>
      <p class="device-type">{{each[2]}}</p>
  {% endfor %}

_projects Frontmatter Tags

Type post
Tag Use Data Type
layout The template for structural reference .html
title The h1 that shows at the top of the project page string
tile-name The project name that shows on index on hover string
thumbnail thumbnail file name image .png or .jpg when featured project
flag Notification style tag generally reads New and In Progress string
date YYYY-MM-DD date
tag For reference at a later date possibly for filtering string
published Whether it renders in the portfolio bool
featured Whether it renders in as featured (bigger tiles) bool
tile-description Description of the project that shows on a featured tile string
Type post-hero

Some additional Frontmatter Tags when using the post-hero template

Tag Use Data Type
hero-background-color The background color of the hero section and branded header/nav string eg. #FFFFFF
hero-background-color-dark The background color of the hero section and branded header/nav when in dark mode string eg. #CCCCCC
hero-accent-color Used to update the nav items and logo in the header string eg. #1f2937
hero-accent-color-dark Used to update the nav items and logo in the header in dark mode string eg. #1f2937
hero-image The image that loads into the hero section path as a string eg. fashion/lustre-hero.jpg; File should be an .png 1600 x 861
hero-image-alt The alt text for the hero image string eg. 2 outfits in studio lighting
hero-background The image that acts as a brand or vibe element in the hero section path as a string eg. shineregistry/shine-hero-background.svg; File should be an .svg 780 x 448

Type post-photo

Tag Use Data Type
layout The template for structural reference .html
title The h1 that shows at the top of the project page string
thumbnail thumbnail file name image .png or .jpg when featured project
thumbnail-alt The alt text for the thumbnail image string eg. Burj Al Arab Atrium
hero-image The image that loads into the hero section path as a string eg. dubai-expo/dubai-hero.jpg; File should be an .jpg aspect ratio 2x1
hero-image-alt The alt text for the hero image string eg. Dubai Expo Center Dome
featured Whether it renders on / bool
big-tile Whether it renders as a big tile on /photography bool eg. true
date YYYY-MM-DD date
display-date Use in the case of multiple dates string eg. Winter 2012 & Spring 2022

Type post-article

note that there is a separate file for article styling articles.scss

Tag Use Data Type
layout The template for structural reference .html
article Should always be true as it helps set the link type across the site bool eg. true
title The name of the article string
description A short explanation of the article string
hero-image The image that loads into the hero section path as a string eg. product-principles-strategies/hero.jpg; File should be an .jpg aspect ratio 2x1
hero-image-alt The alt text for the hero image string eg. Illustration of Pepper the Product Panda excited to showcase product principles and strategies
tags an array of related topics for the resource [leadership,product development] comma separated string
content-type The media type such as reference, tool, interactive, video, my content, reading, publication, portfolio, article, blog. string
date YYYY-MM-DD date

_resources Frontmatter Tags

Tag Use Data Type
layout The template for structural reference .html
title The main name that references the resource in each tile string
link The external url to the resource string
description A short explanation of the resource string
tags an array of related topics for the resource [film,games,tools] comma separated string
content-type The media type such as reference, tool, interactive, video, my content, reading, publication, portfolio, article, blog. string

_work-experience Frontmatter Tags

Tag Use Data Type
role The job title string
date-start YYYY-MM-DD date
date-end YYYY-MM-DD or "Present" if current experience date or string of "Present"
company Name of the organization string
description Explanation of the role string
logo A logo representing the job for visual context .svg
sort-order Order in which the experiences are sorted and grouped 1 being the top int

_speaking Frontmatter Tags

Tag Use Data Type
title The name of the event string
date YYYY-MM-DD If the date is a future date an "Upcoming" badge will be shown date
location The conference where the speaking event took place string
description A short explanation of the speaking event string
link url to the event's recording or related materials string
logo A logo representing the event for visual context .svg


Places that Link to Me

Links Logo? Location? Bio? Notes βœ… header image βœ… βœ… βœ–οΈ βœ–οΈ βœ… βœ–οΈ βœ–οΈ βœ… βœ–οΈ βœ–οΈ βœ… Twitter link βœ… header image βœ… βœ… βœ–οΈ βœ–οΈ βœ–οΈ Twitter link βœ–οΈ βœ–οΈ βœ–οΈ βœ–οΈ βœ… βœ… Twitter & Instagram links βœ–οΈ βœ… βœ… social links βœ–οΈ βœ–οΈ βœ–οΈ & Linkedin links βœ… header image βœ… βœ… Twitter link βœ–οΈ βœ… βœ… social links βœ–οΈ βœ–οΈ βœ… βœ–οΈ βœ–οΈ βœ… Photo βœ… header image βœ–οΈ βœ–οΈ βœ… header image βœ–οΈ βœ–οΈ social links βœ–οΈ βœ… βœ… Twitter link βœ–οΈ βœ–οΈ βœ… βœ–οΈ βœ–οΈ βœ–οΈ βœ… footer βœ–οΈ βœ–οΈ βœ… footer βœ–οΈ βœ–οΈ βœ–οΈ βœ–οΈ βœ–οΈ βœ–οΈ βœ–οΈ βœ–οΈ βœ–οΈ βœ–οΈ βœ… social links βœ–οΈ βœ–οΈ βœ… bio & photo βœ… βœ–οΈ βœ–οΈ Full screen shot of the home page v4.0.0
~ ~yes~ ~footer~
~ ~no~ ~showing fashion work~
~ ~yes~ ~Graduate Student Section~
~ ~βœ… footer~ βœ–οΈ βœ–οΈ
~ ~no~
~ ~βœ…~ βœ–οΈ βœ–οΈ
~ ~βœ… footer~ βœ–οΈ βœ–οΈ
~ ~βœ… footer~ βœ–οΈ βœ–οΈ
~ βœ–οΈ βœ–οΈ ~βœ…~