naikibro / BatailleNavale

A collaborative Java project to implement the "BatailleNavale" game
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Bataille Navale

boat gif Welcome to the GitHub repository for our Bataille Navale game, a Java implementation of the classic Battleship game using Swing for graphical user interface components. This project is designed to showcase advanced concepts of Object-Oriented Programming (OOP) such as polymorphism, encapsulation, and introspection, along with robust error handling.


Table of Contents

1 - Prerequisites

To run this project, you'll need:

2 - Installation

  1. Clone the repository:
    git clone
  2. Open the project in IntelliJ IDEA or Eclipse:
    • IntelliJ: Open -> Select the cloned directory -> Open as Project
    • Eclipse: File -> Open Projects from File System... -> Directory...

3 - Running the Game

To run the game, navigate to the src directory in your IDE and run the main class. Make sure that your environment is configured to use JDK 17.

4 - Key Concepts

This project illustrates several key OOP concepts:

The words of the authors


State pattern

The choice of Swing

The global folder architecture

5 - Documentation

You can access the documentation inside the docs folder
Don't hesitate to contribute by raising any issues or completing documentationb MLD

6 - Project Management

You can track our project management activities and progress on GitHub Projects: Project Management Link

7 - License

This project is open-sourced under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more details.

Thank you for checking out our Bataille Navale game. We hope you enjoy playing it as much as we enjoyed making it!

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