naixsu / CROCPNG

MIT License
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A UP Cebu - CMSC 137 Project (c) 2023



CROC vs PNG is a game created to showcase BSCS IV students for their Data Communications and Networking course. The game should have the capability to connect and communicate with other computers as the game progresses. This game is inspired by the Mann vs Machine game mode from Team Fortress 2.

In the game, the players battle and defend themselves from waves of Phantom Naz Ghouls (PNGs) and prevent them from killing the players and reaching their goal. The enemy's goal is to destroy the Central Resistance against Otherworldly Creatures (CROC) facility. The game ends either when the facility is destroyed by the enemy, or the CROCs emerge victorious and successfully fend off the waves of PNGs.

⚠️ Warning: If any bugs are discovered in the game that were not identified during playtesting, I sincerely apologize. Regrettably, I won't be able to address or continue development for this game beyond 12/11/2023. Your understanding is greatly appreciated.

‼️NOTE: Although the game is designed for multiplayer sessions, please be aware that this game exclusively relies on LAN and does not incorporate any online features. In line with this, if a new player decides to join the game while there is an ongoing game, they won't be able to do so. They can click the Join button on the server, but this will give the host and the already connected clients syncing errors. This limitation stems from the code's design, and regrettably, I haven't come across suitable documentation or tutorials to resolve this issue. There is also no more time for further research and development. Should you wish to include another player, restarting the host instance is the necessary course of action.


For installation

1) Check the latest release notes and download the zip file depending on your OS. 2) You can also download them through here for Windows, Linux, and Mac. 3) For Windows, launch the game using the crocpng.exe file. For Linux, launch the game using the crocpng.x86_64 file. For Mac, launch the game using the CROCPNG file. 4) If your computer is preventing the app from running, just ignore it. I swear it's not a virus, I just don't have a developer certificate. 5) Enjoy!

For uninstallation

It's pretty simple. Just delete the files that you installed. This game doesn't have any file saving/manipulation so no new files are created and stored in your machine when running the game.


While the main menu already provides instructions, allow me to reiterate the steps to get you started: 1) On the main menu, you'll find several buttons. 2) Host turns your game into the host. Given that this project is designed for our Data Communications and Networking course, having at least one host is crucial. After clicking Host, you have two options: