nakatsinho / mpesa-vm-laravel-sdk

This is the latest simplified way to embed Mpesa payments in your laravel application. Share and help improve... (coming soon)
MIT License
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Laravel Package for Mpesa - Vodacom Mozambique 🇲🇿

This is the latest simplified way to embed Mpesa payments for Mozambique in your Laravel app. And this is an improvement from past integrations already tested.

M-Pesa Developer Portal

I consider it essential to read a little more about the working principle of this SDK, accessing the following link: VM - Developer Portal

Pilot of you Laravel Project

First consider important/mandatory that your project fulfills the following requirements, required for the execution of this package


Package Installation:

  1. If you haven't created your project yet, create your laravel project with the following steps, using Composer on the command line:
    composer create-project laravel/laravel:^8.0 example-app
  2. Navigate to your project's root directory and using composer on the command line, write the following:
    composer require nakatsinho/mpesa-laravel
  3. But with that we didn't reach the icing on the cake, together with the package, there are a series of files that we need to publish in your project, which will allow you to access the features of that package, through the following command via artisan:
php artisan mpesa-sdk:publish


Now we have the basics to test! Note that the command above brought us the following files:

Explanation and Configuration:

Be sure to get and set your files like those following:



return [
    'public_key' => env('MPESA_PUBLIC_KEY'),
    'api_host' => env('MPESA_API_HOST'),
    'api_key' => env('MPESA_API_KEY'),
    'origin' => env('MPESA_ORIGIN'),
    'service_provider_code' => env('MPESA_SERVICE_PROVIDER_CODE'),
    'initiator_identifier' => env('MPESA_INITIATOR_IDENTIFIER'),
    'security_credential' => env('MPESA_SECURITY_CREDENTIAL')

In you '.env' must be like this...

MPESA_PUBLIC_KEY="XXX XXXXXX XXXXXX" - You will obtain this on VM Portal
MPESA_API_HOST="" - Leave it
MPESA_API_KEY="XXX XXXXXX XXXXXX" - You will obtain this on VM Portal
MPESA_ORIGIN="XXX XXXXXX XXXXXX" - You will obtain this on VM Portal

After that, go to you routes/web.php file and place this


And Hozaaaa 🔥 🔥 🔥... "É fácil!"

Just type this on you terminal:

php -S localhost:8030 -t public/

Open you Browser, and type !!! ENJOY...

Dependence & Authors

It would be great to receive criticisms and new suggestions as a way to help improve this package, which is still under development! And my credits go to abdulmuied, responsible for building the main SDK in PhP...

Powered by Kelton Mauro Cumbe 🇲🇿, aka The Problems Solver ! WhatsApp me any time .

Share and help me to improve... (stable version coming soon)